October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Cancer Services, Mid-Western Regional Hospital Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit
How to Perform a Breast Self-Exam Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit
Breast Self-Exam is done monthly 7-10 days from the first day of your period Same day every month if you are not menstruating Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit
Stand in front of a mirror and look at each breast separately. Note the size, shape, colour, contour and direction of your breasts and nipples. Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit
Raise your arms over your head and look at your breasts, as you turn slowly from side to side. Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit
Press your hands on your hips and push your shoulders forward. Look at each breast separately. Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit
Stand in front of a mirror and start BSE just below the collar bone. Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit
Use the 3 middle fingertips of your left hand for the right breast. Apply firm pressure and make small circles as you go back or forth in a pattern covering all the breast area including the nipple. Extend the examination to the breast tissue in the underarm. Change your hand and repeat BSE on the opposite breast. Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit
Lie down and raise one arm above your head. Examine your breasts as before, omitting the underarm. Change your arm and repeat BSE on the opposite breast. Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit
Month Record normal ridges, lumpy areas, freckles or moles. Remember, what you are looking for are unusual changes from your normal. Record your observations Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit
I If you suspect a breast lump, you should: Contact your General Practitioner. The General Practitioner has direct access to the Breast Clinic in the Mid-Western Regional Hospital. An appointment will be issued for the Breast Clinic within one week of receiving a referral by the General Practitioner. At the clinic a clinical assessment and all necessary investigations will be carried out. The clinic is Consultant-Led and is attended by a Breast-Care Nurse Specialist. INFORMATION SHEET Click on the Homepage link on the left to exit