A 53-yr-old man with dyspnea (ATS Gr.IV) onset 2 개월 전, recent agg. 10 일 전 Ex-smoker (1.5pack x 20yr, 13 년 전 부터 금연 ) 사무직 2 개월 전 dry cough develop 1 개월 전 dyspnea develop, 빨리 걸으면 숨참 10 일 전 dyspnea agg. resting 시에도 sx.(+), local visit, CXR 이상 있 다 하여 7 일 전 지역 종합병원 입원 IM3 opd 예약 상태로 주말 사이 dyspnea agg. 되어 SMC ER visit *PFT: FVC 1.48L(38%), FEV1 1.38L(44%) FEV1/FVC 93.3%, TLC 2.81L(45.5%) DLCO 19.4% severe restrictive pattern negative bronchodilator response ABGA: %
Diffuse ground-glass opacity on the both lung, and reticular opacity on lower lung zone
Diffuse ground-glass opacity on the both lung, area of decreased attenuation suggesting air trapping and centrilobular nodules
Cellular chronic interstitial pneumonia, accentuated in peribronchiolar parenchyma
Combination of a cellular chronic interstitial pneumonia, accentuated in peribronchiolar parenchyma, ill-defined non-necrotizing granulomas
Combination of a cellular chronic interstitial pneumonia, accentuated in peribronchiolar parenchyma, ill-defined non-necrotizing granulomas (arrows)
ill-defined non-necrotizing granulomas (arrows) HYPERSENSITIVITY PNEUMONIA ( EXTRINSIC ALLERGIC ALVEOLITIS )