updated august 2010 Coconino Community College
o A database is an organized collection of information that can be searched based on a variety of keywords and subject terms. Online databases are available via the internet 24/7. o Research databases contain thousands of full-text magazine, newspaper and scholarly journal articles to view, and print in a variety of subject areas. Although the databases are accessed through the CCC Library website, they are not an Internet source. o Many library research databases require that students have an ID to use them because colleges pay for these online resources. o For more about how databases differ from the Internet, visit “Databases vs. The Internet”“Databases vs. The Internet”
o From the library website o (also a Quicklink off the main college website) o Go to the “CCC Online Library Resources” page: o You will be accessing the online library resources through a joint CCC/NAU library webpage. o Use your CometID to login from off campus. o NOTE: To access the databases off-campus, use your CometID. If you need assistance with your CometID, contact the CCC Help Desk at (928) (HELP) or
o Write down your research question in Word or in a notebook. Then add keywords or terms that you might use when searching for articles that would answer your question. o Scan articles to find words and phrases to use as keywords. Often using technical terms or discipline-specific keywords yields more of the type of articles you need. o As you read articles, look for synonyms (similar words) and other language that you had not previously used. o View the bibliographic record to find subject terms – use the subject terms to find similar articles. o Create a search record in Word or on paper to record the search terms you’ve used. Or, save your searches in the databases by creating a personal account. NOTE: Using keywords and specific subject terms in your search will increase your chances of finding relevant search results. Start with the broadest terms and then narrow your search terms as you go forward.
NOTE: Research databases have differing interfaces with features and options located in different places. Explore each database interface for the best search results. o Click on the name of the database o If off campus, enter your CometID and password o Find the search box o Enter one of your search terms, usually starting with a broad term and then narrowing your topic as you discover what subtopics are available and interesting to you o Try the advanced search options to narrow your results by date range, peer- review/scholarly publications, or to search by subject term. o Check the database thesaurus to find out what terms are used for your topics, this will help in finding articles that match your topic area.
Sign in to save articles in EBSCOhost Ask an NAU Librarian Databases used in search Advanced search options and history Related images Bibliographic information Database information Full-text availability # of results for search Peer-reviewed and full-text radio buttons Adjust date range of publications View subject terms or lists of publications for each database
o You will see a list of articles in your search results. Search results usually include bibliographic information such as the title, author, journal or publication title and volume number, the date of the article, and the number of pages, words, charts and images contained within it. o To read an article, click its title or “HTML” or “PDF” depending upon what is offered. Most databases allow you to articles to yourself, so locate that feature. If full-text is not available, you will see the citation information only. o To save articles, click “Mark Item” or “Add to Folder.” To see the articles you save click “View Marked Items” or “Folder.” NOTE: If you want to save articles to a folder to view the next time you research in that database, you must create an account in the database. These are free and easy to use.
o articles of interest to yourself to keep a record of your research and to gather all your citation information. o Once you have chosen the specific articles you will use in your project you may want to print them or copy all relevant bibliographic information and quotations. o Remember to record all of the bibliographic information for the article to a Word file or in your research notes. You will need this information when creating bibliographies and works cited pages. o Some databases allow you to save citations and articles in a personal account in the database. This is another way to keep track of your articles. o Contact the CCC Librarian for research assistance & questions.CCC Librarian
o As you collect your research from CCC online databases, you must remember to collect the name of the database (i.e., Academic Search Premier), and the date you accessed the information. Some style guides also require you to include the URL. This information will be required for your citations. o Many of the databases the CCC Library offers provide citations for the articles you search. Be sure to edit and review them on your bibliography/works cited page to ensure that they are in the correct style format, such as MLA or APA. o Visit the CCC Library’s Documentation page for more information on style formats: o Visit the CCC Library Handouts and Workshops page for more research help: Contact your CCC Librarian for more helpCCC Librarian