Evaluation of Reference Services Continue
What Can Be Evaluated? Printed information resources Electronic information resources Reference Interview Questions answered Instruction given Assistance in using resources provided Information needs satisfied Library skills and knowledge improved Continue
Scenario 1 The Oxford English Dictionary is a mainstay in your university library. This multivolume collection is on the list of standard, authoritative works. A survey on reshelving shows that no volumes of this work were reshelved in the last six months. The library is in constant need of shelf space. Would you a)Keep the dictionary because it is a standard reference work? b)Move the collection to the general, circulating stacks? c)Withdraw the volumes What would you do? Are there any alternative solutions? Continue
Scenario 2 LexisNexis Academic is one of the leading research databases that provide access to news, business, legal publications, federal and state court cases and detailed company information. A number of students majoring in business have come to you saying they have been unable to locate information they need using this database. How can you evaluate the quality of this database? a)Check the content of the database b)Check access points c)Check ease of use d)All of above Are there any other methods for evaluating this database? Continue
Scenario 3 A student approaches the reference desk and says, “ I need to find The Color Purple by Alice Walker.” You respond by saying a)“You may look up that author in the online catalog from any computer.” b)“Here is the call number for that book. Do you need any further assistance?” c)“Have a seat and I will show you how to use our online catalog. Here is the call number for that book, let me show you have to find it on the shelf. Could I assist you with anything else?” Can you think of other ways to conduct this reference interview? Continue
If you have questions about this tutorial please contact Kathy Davis, Access Services Librarian at or Thank You!