Make a difference Welcome A Level Critical Thinking
Introduction to OCR Introduction to Critical Thinking Why change to our specification? Support and training Next steps
About OCR Part of Europe’s largest assessment agency, Cambridge Assessment UK’s leading awarding body Over 13,000 centres choose our qualifications Qualifications are developed in consultation with teachers
Our Mission Our commitment is to provide qualifications which engage learners of all ages whether at school, college, in work and part time training programmes so they achieve their full potential make a difference PracticalAccessibleInnovative and exciting
Our Credentials Leading the way with new ideas Dedicated to offering respected qualifications Engaging and relevant qualifications Comprehensive support framework
Critical Thinking Credentials Leading the way with new ideas Dedicated to offering respected qualifications Engaging and relevant qualifications Comprehensive support framework
Key points of the specification Develops skills such as analysis, evaluation, forming coherent arguments and debating Beneficial effect on other subjects studied Develops thinking skills that encourage participation in society Engaging and relevant contexts Combination of multiple choice, short answer and extended writing questions
Critical Thinking | AS Structure F502 Assessing and Developing Argument This unit covers a wide range of argument components building on the skills developed in Unit 1. Analysing and evaluating arguments including assessing strengths and weaknesses, and writing your own original arguments in response to stimulus material. Teaching units and Assessment method and weighting F501 Introduction to Critical Thinking This unit provides an introduction to the important skills in Critical Thinking. It also covers the area of credibility and recognises that the plausibility of an argument is influenced by its origin, be that a person or an organisation.
Critical Thinking | A2 Structure F504 Critical Reasoning This unit includes similar concepts and ideas to previous units but presents a different challenge. In addition, it includes analysis and evaluation of material based on typical arguments found in newspapers, journals, books and magazines. Teaching units and Assessment method and weighting F503 Ethical Reasoning and Decision Making In this unit the skills developed at AS Level are applied in the context of ethical reasoning and decision making. Learners advance their skills in the analysis and evaluation of conflicting ideas and arguments.
Stretch and Challenge Stretch and Challenge is a new QCA initiative for A Levels: Included in A2 assessment Reflected in the style of question asked which invite a greater variety of thinking Questions are structured to show more connections between different sections of the specification Extended writing is encouraged in all subjects (except Maths0 A wider range of question types – like case studies and open ended questions More synoptic assessments – exploring connections between different areas and levels of a subject
What’s in it for you? Rewarding to deliver Flexibility in teaching as subject matter can be selected from learners interests and current events Designed by teachers for teachers
What’s in it for your learners? Enjoyable and motivational Improves performance in other subjects through development of analysis skills Stretch and challenge opportunities New A* grade Clear, explicit and accessible question papers Prepares learners for study at degree level and for employer tests
What’s in it for your school? We have eight years’ of experience of offering AS Critical Thinking and has delivered a four-unit A Level since 2005 Flexibility in curriculum planning and delivery Can be delivered by teachers of any background Good progression routes into HE/FE
Support Overarching scheme of work and sample lesson plans E-community Exemplar candidate work Coursework guidance documents Past papers on line for you to download Exam quest INSET
Support We are working with publisher partner Heinemann to provide further resources to support these specifications. The student books and teacher resources are specifically tailored to the new specification.
Next Steps Book training/events - Bookmark website for further information/future updates –
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