Plymouth City Council Improving Project Management John Cowling Senior Learning & Development Adviser Plymouth City Council
Background Plymouth City Council striving to be an excellent authority in 2012 Introduction of Corporate Improvement Priorities to help us achieve this aim. 14 Priorities spread over Improving our customers experience Improving our city Improving our Council
Asked sponsors and managers of the Improvement Priorities to identify any learning needs. Need identified to improve Project Management skills in order to support Improvement Priorities As priorities only had a 3 year life important to provide speedy support to managers
Had a meeting with Higher Level Skills team who researched possible solutions for us. Chose this team because they go across the higher education spectrum Discussed possible solutions with the team who then arranged for us to meet with possible providers Team quickly arranged possible dates for courses. Excellent courses provided by College and University
Good take up from managers because They recognised need for the skills Choice of level Both provided accredited learning Courses have both been repeated and have just agreed dates for courses in Am now talking to team about further management skills and looking at possible solutions.
Would we use the team again Yes Why? Expertise of team Speed at which they can get things done They understand the needs of organisations We are looking forward to our next collaboration and am sure it will be as useful to the Council