U.S. Electroencephalography Diagnostic and Monitoring Equipment Markets Obesity, Cardiovascular, and Autoimmune Diseases Stimulate Demand for Sleep Monitoring Devices “The next five to seven years will see very strong growth in the EEG diagnostic and monitoring market. However, the increasing shortage of qualified EEG technicians and professionals is creating a strong need for easy to operate EEG equipment.” Medical Monitoring Analyst Team Frost & Sullivan
The aging of America is causing a burgeoning of the population entering the ages when degenerative diseases most often manifest Obesity or weight-related health disorders, often related to aging, are responsible for a number of sleep disorders and will contribute to strong growth in the sleep monitoring segment The clinical EEG segment of the market will expand as small hospitals begin to purchase clinical EEG diagnostic equipment due to improvements in reliability, operability and report analysis Improved sensitivity and precision, combined with higher success rates for surgical intervention, is contributing to growth in the long-term epilepsy monitoring market Industry Trends
Industry trends analysis and indepth discussion of business strategies Market revenues and forecasts from 1999 to 2009 by: Sleep Monitoring Equipment Clinical EEG Diagnostic and Monitoring Equipment Long-term Epilepsy Monitoring Equipment Unit Shipment and forecasts from 1999 to 2009 by: Market segment Single- vs. Multi-modality units Key Features
Pricing analysis by fixed, portable, laptop and ambulatory Market shares of the leading EEG diagnostic and monitoring equipment manufacturers Market drivers and restraints for each market segment Industry challenges and strategies Key Features (Cont’d)
Coverage: The United States Proven methodology encompassing extensive primary and secondary data and research Focused information and strategies that cover business and technology issues Credible data and analysis highlighting industry dynamics Winning growth strategies to help readers create a competitive edge What We Offer
Current Market Participants Find out how you compare to the competition Assess current and future drivers and restraints Determine and exploit new market share opportunities Technology Providers Understand the technology adoption within the EEG Diagnostic and Monitoring Equipment Market Position yourself to capitalize on the market’s unmet needs Investment Community Determine which participants will outperform the competition Assess attractiveness of investing in the EEG Diagnostic and Monitoring Equipment market Who Will Benefit?
Revenue Streams by Market Segment: Sleep Monitoring, Clinical EEG Diagnostics and Long-term Epilepsy Monitoring Forecasts by segment and by single- and multi- modality EEG diagnostic equipment Market share and Product Profiles of Market Leaders Pricing analysis and weighted average unit price Market and technology trends What’s Included
Bio-Logic Systems Corp. Cadwell Laboratories, Inc. Compumedics Ltd. Grass-Telefactor/ Astro Med, Inc. Medcare Nellcor Puritan Bennett, Inc. Nicolet ViaSys Nihon Kohden America, Inc. Repironics, Inc. Stellate Systems, Inc. ViaSys Healthcare, Inc. XLTEK (Excel Tech Ltd.) Key Market Participants
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