President Moshe Katsav lighting a flame to honour British World War Two soldiers, among them Jews, in Krakow, southern Poland, on January 26, (Reuters) Next picture >> AUSCHWITZ 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN PROHIBIDO OLVIDAR
AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN A visitor to Auschwitz walking past the barracks where prisoners were once housed. (AP) Next picture >>
A visitor looking at the crematorium in the former Nazi death camp Auschwitz. (AP) Next picture >> AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> Belongings of prisoners of Auschwitz, presented in the museum at the former Nazi death camp. (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> Watch towers lining the fence of the former Nazi death camp Auschwitz. (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> A view of the train tracks leading to the Auschwitz death camp. (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> Workers installing an exhibit for the Holocaust memorial at the United Nations building in New York. (Reuters) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> Rosette Klajman pointing to the name of her mother Micha engraved on the Wall of Names at the Paris Memorial for the 76,000 Jews deported from France to the Nazi death camps, following its inauguration on January 23, (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> A visitor to the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem looking at a picture taken on liberation day at Auschwitz death camp. (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> A visitor to Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem looking at belongings of survivors of the Auschwitz death camp. (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> A visitor to Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem looking at a display showing a canister of Zyklon B gas used in Auschwitz. (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> A man looking at images from the Auschwitz- Birkenau concentration camp that are on display at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> Children imprisoned at Auschwitz showing their tattooed ID numbers after the liberation of the Nazi death camp in (Auschwitz Museum) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> The arrival and processing of an entire transport of Czech Jews at Auschwitz in May (Yad Vashem Photo Archives) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> Auschwitz survivor Bracha Ghilai, 75, showing her tattooed arm at her home near Tel Aviv in January (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> A picture taken just after the liberation by the Soviet army in January 1945, showing a group of children at Auschwitz wearing concentration camp uniforms. (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
Next picture >> Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum Director Yehudit Inbar showing UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and his wife Nane Annan photographs in the exhibit `Auschwitz - the Depth of the Abyss` at the United Nations in New York on January 24, (Reuters) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN
UN chief Kofi Annan inaugurating an exhibition entitled `Auschwitz- the Depth of the Abyss` at the United Nations in New York on January 24, (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
Soviet soldiers walking with some of the prisoners they liberated at the Auschwitz death camp in January (Auschwitz Museum) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel speaking at the United Nations commemoration for the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, in New York on January 24, (Reuters) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom addressing a special session of the United Nations General Assembly on January 24, 2005 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz death camps. (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
President Moshe Katsav lighting a flame to honour British World War Two soldiers, among them Jews, in Krakow, southern Poland, on January 26, (Reuters) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
Visitors passing under the main gate at Auschwitz, which bears the sign `Arbeit macht frei,` (work will set you free), on January 26, (Reuters) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
Lawmakers and guests standing to honor Holocaust victims, at a special session of the Knesset in Jerusalem on January 26, (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
A pile of shoes from prisoners on display at the Auschwitz museum at the former Nazi death camp on January 26, (Reuters) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
Auschwitz survivor Michal Ziolkowski walking out of the main gate at the Auschwitz museum, near the former Nazi death camp, on January 26, (Reuters) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
Auschwitz survivors (l-r) Bob Obuchowski, David Herman and Zigi Shipper, all Polish Jews living in England, visiting the former Nazi death camp on January 26, (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel lighting a candle during a Holocaust Commemoration Ceremony in Davos on January 26, In the background are David Rosen, International Director of Interreligious Affairs in the American Jewish Committee, Lord Carey of Clifton, former Archbishop of Canterbury, and Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum. (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
Young German volunteers tending to Holocaust survivors at the Beit Eliezer nursing home in northern Israel, October (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynne, looking at pictures of Auschwitz at the Galicia museum in Krakow, southern Poland, on January 26, (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
An Israeli soldier standing behind the headstone of a British Jewish WW II soldier during a commemoration at a cemetery in Krakow, southern Poland, on Jan. 26, (AP) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
An undated handout photograph, released January 26, 2005, showing a map and descriptions of the death camps at Auschwitz and Treblinka in Poland. (The National Archives, Britain) AUSCHWITZ - 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>
Israeli Holocaust survivor Kathleen Schwartz wearing the same yellow badge that the Nazis forced her to wear, at a special ceremony at Knesset in Jerusalem on January 26, (Reuters) AUSCHWITZ – 60 AÑOS DESDE LA LIBERACIÓN Next picture >>