Universal Systems in Depth: Classroom Systems CT PBS Training Day 4 Brandi Simonsen, Ph. D. George Sugai, Ph. D. The Center for Behavioral Education and Research University of Connecticut
Advance Organizer 8:30Coffee, Juice, and Conversations 9:00 Welcome & Advance Organizer 9:15 Classroom Practices & Systems 10:15 Break 10:30Classroom Practices & Systems - Continued 12:00Lunch 1:00Review of Year 1-2 Outcomes, Planning for End of School Year, & Team Action Planning 2:45Concluding Comments 3:00Adjourn
TRAINING OBJECTIVES Establish staff agreements Build working knowledge of SW-PBS practices & systems Develop individualized action plan for SW-PBS Organize for upcoming school year
Tattoos SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement Supporting Decision Making 4 PBS Elements School Systems SWPBS Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% Non-classroom Setting Systems Classroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems
What did you learn yesterday? 5 minutes: All (in teams) –identify 1 lesson learned or 1 thing you took away from yesterday’s training (school-wide and non-classroom systems) –Identify 1 question you still have from yesterday 5 minutes: Volunteers –Briefly share lessons learned –Ask questions (which will either be answered now or deferred to a part of today’s training)
Classroom Practices and Systems: Evidence Based Practices in Classroom Management
Special Thanks Work of many researchers who preceded us! Collaborative efforts of – Brandi Simonsen, – Sarah Fairbanks, – Amy Briesch, – Diane Myers, & – George Sugai Members of the NEW… Center for Behavioral Education and Research (CBER) in the Neag School of Education at UConn.
What “kind” of students can display problematic behavior? All students. Students with/without labels who are served in general/special education can display problematic behavior. This is not a special education issue. It is an education issue. We need to learn more about the 5 critical features of effective classroom management to be able to help all students.
Another Look at School-wide Positive Behavior Support Systems Non-classroom Setting Systems Classroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems
Evidence Based Practices in Classroom Management 1. Maximize structure in your classroom. 2. Post, teach, review, monitor, and reinforce a small number of positively stated expectations. 3. Actively engage students in observable ways. 4. Establish a continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior. 5. Establish a continuum of strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior. (Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, & Myers Sugai, in preparation)
1. Maximize structure in your classroom. Develop Predictable Routines – Teacher routines: volunteers, communications, movement, planning, grading, etc. – Student routines: personal needs, transitions, working in groups, independent work, instruction, getting, materials, homework, etc. Design environment to (a) elicit appropriate behavior and (b) minimize crowding and distraction: – Arrange furniture to allow easy traffic flow. – Ensure adequate supervision of all areas. – Designate staff & student areas. – Seating arrangements (groups, carpet, etc.)
1)I maximized structure and predictability in my classroom. a)I explicitly taught and followed predictable routines. Yes No a)I arranged my room to minimize crowding and distraction. Yes No Assess Complete item for your own classroom (or a teacher with whom you consult)
Action Plan Generate action plan content (observable and measurable behaviors to address deficits) Potential action plan items may include: – Describe predictable routine for entering classroom, turning in homework, (or others that are identified as missing) – Rearrange furniture to ensure better supervision #Current Level of Performance Enhancement/Maintenance Strategies [1] [1] 1 [1] What? When? How? By When?
2. Post, Teach, Review, Monitor, and reinforce a small number of positively stated expectations. Establish behavioral expectations/rules. Teach rules in context of routines. Prompt or remind students of rule prior to entering natural context. Monitor students’ behavior in natural context & provide specific feedback. Evaluate effect of instruction - review data, make decisions, & follow up.
Establish Behavioral expectations/Rules A small number (i.e., 3-5) of positively stated rules. Tell students what we want them to do, rather than telling them what we do not want them to do. Publicly post the rules. Should match SW Expectations
Small number of positively stated expectations.
Operationally define what the rules look like across all the routines and settings in your school. One way to do this is in a matrix format. Establish Behavioral expectations/Rules
Rules within Routines Matrix Routines Rules Entering Classroom Seat Work Small Group Activity Leaving Classroom Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible
Teach Rules in the Context of Routines Teach expectations directly. – Define rule in operational terms—tell students what the rule looks like within routine. – Provide students with examples and non-examples of rule-following within routine. Actively involve students in lesson—game, role- play, etc. to check for their understanding. Provide opportunities to practice rule following behavior in the natural setting.
Skill Name Getting Help (How to ask for assistance for difficulty tasks) Teaching Examples 1. When you ’ re working on a math problem that you can ’ t figure out, raise your hand and wait until the teacher can help you. 2. You and a friend are working together on a science experiment but you are missing a piece of lab equipment, ask the teacher for the missing equipment. 3. You are reading a story but you don ’ t know the meaning of most of the words, ask the teacher to read and explain the word. Kid Activity 1. Ask 2-3 students to give an example of a situation in which they needed help to complete a task, activity, or direction. 2. Ask students to indicate or show how they could get help. 3. Encourage and support appropriate discussion/responses. Minimize attention for inappropriate responses. After the Lesson (During the Day) 1. Just before giving students difficult or new task, direction, or activity, ask them to tell you how they could get help if they have difficulty (precorrection). 2. When you see students having difficulty with a task (e.g., off task, complaining), ask them to indicate that they need help (reminder). 3. Whenever a student gets help the correct way, provide specific praise to the student. “Cool Tool”
Expectations & behavioral skills are taught & recognized in natural context
Prompt or Remind Students of the Rule Provide students with visual prompts (e.g., posters, illustrations, etc). Use pre-corrections, which include “verbal reminders, behavioral rehearsals, or demonstrations of rule-following or socially appropriate behaviors that are presented in or before settings were problem behavior is likely” (Colvin, Sugai, Good, Lee, 1997).
Monitor Students’ Behavior in Natural Context Active Supervision (Colvin, Sugai, Good, Lee, 1997) : – Move around – Look around (Scan) – Interact with students Provide reinforcement and specific praise to students who are following rules. Catch errors early and provide specific, corrective feedback to students who are not following rules. (Think about how you would correct an academic error.)
Acknowledge & Recognize
Evaluate the effect of instruction Collect data – Are rules being followed? – If there are errors, who is making them? where are the errors occurring? what kind of errors are being made? Summarize data (look for patterns) Use data to make decisions
Establish Behavioral Expectations/Rules Teach Rules in the Context of Routines Prompt or Remind Students of Expected behavior Monitor Student's Behavior in the Natural Context
Establish Procedures for Encouraging Rule Following Establish Procedures for Responding to Rule Violations Evaluate the effect of instruction These are things you should do in any school environment!!!
2)I posted, taught, reviewed, monitored, and reinforced a small number of positively stated expectations. a)I operationally defined and posted a small number of expectations (i.e., school wide rules) for all routines and settings in my classroom. Yes No b)I explicitly taught and reviewed these expectations in the context of routines. Yes No c)I prompted or pre-corrected students to increase the likelihood that they will follow the expectations Yes No d)I actively supervised my students. Yes No Assess
Mini Action Plan Generate action plan content (observable and measurable behaviors to address deficits) Potential action plan items may include: – Choose three expectations and create posters – Complete matrix – Develop lesson plans #Current Level of Performance Enhancement/Maintenance Strategies [1] [1] 2 [1] What? When? How? By When?
3. Actively engage students in observable ways. Provide high rates of opportunities to respond – Vary individual v. group responding – Increase participatory instruction (enthusiasm, laughter) Consider various observable ways to engage students – Written responses – Writing on individual white boards – Choral responding – Gestures – Other: ____________ Link engagement with outcome objectives (set goals to increase engagement and assess student change CARs verbal/written)
3. Range of evidence based practices that promote active engagement Direct Instruction Computer Assisted Instruction Class-wide Peer Tutoring Guided notes Response Cards
3)I actively engaged students in observable ways. a)I provided a high rate of opportunities to respond during my instruction. Yes No b)I engaged my students in observable ways during teacher directed instruction (i.e., I use response cards, choral responding, and other methods). Yes No c)I used evidence based methods to deliver my instruction (e.g., Direct Instruction). Yes No Assess
Mini Action Plan Generate action plan content (observable and measurable behaviors to address deficits) Potential action plan items may include: – Ask a colleague to take data on my current rate of OTRs and increase by 10% – Use response cards during 1 additional lesson per day #Current Level of Performance Enhancement/Maintenance Strategies [1] [1] 3 [1] What? When? How? By When?
4. Establish a continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior. Specific and Contingent Praise Group Contingencies Behavior Contracts Token Economies
Specific and Contingent Praise Praise should be… – …contingent: occur immediately following desired behavior – …specific: tell learner exactly what they are doing correctly and continue to do in the future “Good job” (not very specific) “I like how you are showing me active listening by having quiet hands and feet and eyes on me” (specific)
Group Contingencies Three types: – “All for one” (Interdependent Group Contingency) – “ One for all” (Dependent Group Contingency) – “To each his/her own” (Independent Group Contingency)
Behavioral Contracts A written document that specifies a contingency for an individual student or in this case…whole class Contains the following elements: – Operational definition of BEHAVIOR – Clear descriptions of REINFORCERS – OUTCOMES if student fails to meet expectations. – Special BONUSES that may be used to increase motivation or participation. (Wolery, Bailey, & Sugai, 1988)
Establishing a Token Economy Determine and teach the target skills Select tokens Identify what will be back-up reinforcers Identify the number of tokens required to receive back-up reinforcers Define and teach the exchange and token delivery system Define decision rules to change/fade the plan Determine how the plan will be monitored Guidelines from Sulzer-Azaroff & Mayer, 1991
4)I used a continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior. a)I provided specific and contingent praise for academic and social behaviors (e.g., following expectations). Yes No b)I also used other systems to acknowledge appropriate behavior (group contingencies, behavior contracts, or token economies). Yes No Assess
Mini Action Plan Generate action plan content (observable and measurable behaviors to address deficits) Potential action plan items may include: – Ask a colleague to take data on my current rate of specific and contingent praise and increase by 20% – Implement an additional reinforcement system to increase appropriate behavior #Current Level of Performance Enhancement/Maintenance Strategies [1] [1] 4 [1] What? When? How? By When?
Error Corrections Differential Reinforcement Planned ignoring Response Cost Time out from reinforcement 5. Establish a continuum of strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior.
Quick Error Corrections Your error corrections should be… – …contingent: occur immediately after the undesired behavior – …specific: tell learner exactly what they are doing incorrectly and what they should do differently in the future – …brief: after redirecting back to appropriate behavior, move on
Types of Differential Reinforcement DR…of lower rates of behavior (DRL) DR…of other behaviors (DRO) DR…of alternative behavior (DRA) DR…of incompatible behavior (DRI)
Planned Ignoring Definition Definition: If a behavior is maintained by adult attention …consider planned ignoring (e.g., ignore behavior of interest) Example Example: Taylor talks out in class and his teacher currently responds to him approximately 60% in the time (either + or -). The teacher decides to ignore all talk outs and instead only call on him when his hand is raised.
Response Cost Definition Definition: The withdrawal of specific amounts of a reinforcer contingent upon inappropriate behavior. Examples Examples: A wrong answer results in a loss of points. Come to class without a pencil, buy one for 5 points.
Time-out Definition Definition: A child (or class) is removed from a previously reinforcing environment or setting, to one that is not reinforcing Example Example: Child throws a rock at another child on the playground. The child is removed to the office…. REMEMBER the environment the child is removed to cannot be reinforcing!!! So, if the child receives adult attention in the office, which they find reinforcing, YOU have NOT put the child on time out
5)I used a continuum of strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior a)I provided specific, contingent, and brief error corrections for academic and social errors. Yes No b)In addition, I used the least restrictive procedure to discourage inappropriate behavior (differential reinforcement, planned ignoring, response cost, time out) Yes No Assess
Mini Action Plan Generate action plan content (observable and measurable behaviors to address deficits) Potential action plan items may include: – Ask a colleague to take data on my current rate of corrective statements and ensure that this rate is far lower than my rate of praise statements – Review the consequences I give and ensure I am using the least restrictive procedures possible #Current Level of Performance Enhancement/Maintenance Strategies [1] [1] 4 [1] What? When? How? By When?
RECAP: Evidence Based Practices in Classroom Management 1. Maximize structure in your classroom. 2. Post, teach, review, monitor, and reinforce a small number of positively stated expectations. 3. Actively engage students in observable ways. 4. Establish a continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior. 5. Establish a continuum of strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior. (Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, & Myers Sugai, in preparation)
Universal Classroom Interventions by Time
(Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, & Sugai, in preparation) Structure, Physical Lay-out, and Teaching of Expectations 1.Design the layout of your classroom 2.Identify and define staff and student routines 3.Determine classroom expectations Before the School Year At the Beginning of the the School Year Throughout the the School Year 1.Evaluate the physical layout of the classroom and identify unexpected roadblocks or distractions 2.Systematically and explicitly teach what each classroom expectation looks like in the context of each classroom and nonclassroom routine. 1.Continue to evaluate the physical layout and the structure of the classroom 2.Build in opportunities for student choice and independent work. 3.Re-teach and review expectations for routines
(Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, & Sugai, in preparation) Responding to Appropriate and Inappropriate Behavior 1.Develop systems for acknowledging (e.g., praise and behavior contracts) and correcting (e.g., differential reinforcement of low rates of behavior) behavior Before the School Year At the Beginning of the the School Year Throughout the the School Year 1.Monitor and track rates of appropriate and inappropriate classroom behavior and adjust systems as needed. 2.Ensure teacher corrections do not outnumber acknowledgments Praise Group Contingency Token Economy Behavioral Contracts Error Correction Differential Reinforcement Planned Ignoring Response Cost Time out from reinforcement 1.Implement and teach students the systems for acknowledging (e.g.., group contingency) and correcting (e.g., error correction) behavior
(Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, & Sugai, in preparation) Academic Considerations 1.Choose instructional materials (or review materials already in place) Before the School Year At the Beginning of the the School Year Throughout the the School Year 1. Conduct formative and summative assessments to determine appropriate student placement in academic materials 2.Consider academic variables to maximize instruction for all students (e.g., grouping, instructional specificity, and time allocated for instruction) 1. Monitor student academic progress using general outcome and mastery-based assessment.. 2.Consider implementing Class-wide Peer Tutoring systems or computer assisted instruction to provide students with more opportunities for practice. 3.Remember to reinforce accurate responses and immediately correct inaccurate responses
7r Positive Behavior Support Classroom Management: Self-Assessment Revised Brandi Simonsen, Sarah Fairbanks, Amy Briesch, & George Sugai Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports University of Connecticut Version: May 15, 2006
Year 1 Outcomes
Great document to see where you should be at the end of your first year of implementation Review at team meetings…once you’re about to begin implementing
Preparation for the Conclusion and Start of the School Year
This will be very useful to you next year when you are considering –The transitions at the end of that school year –The beginning of the following school year Review in your teams several months prior to the close of your first implementation year
Team Implementation Checklists (TICs)
Features of the TIC Checklist #1: Start-Up Activity Establish Commitment (Q 1-2) Rate Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started
Establish Commitment 1.Administrator’s support & active involvement. 2.Faculty/Staff support (One of top 3 goals, 80% of faculty document support, 3 year timeline).
Features of the TIC Checklist #1: Start-Up Activity Establish Commitment (Q 1-2) Establish and Maintain Team (Q 3-5) Rate Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started
Establish & Maintain Team 3. Team established (representative) 4. Team has regular meeting schedule, effective operating procedures. 5. Audit is completed for efficient integration of team with other teams/initiatives addressing behavior support.
Features of the TIC Checklist #1: Start-Up Activity Establish Commitment (Q 1-2) Establish and Maintain Team (Q 3-5) Self-Assessment (Q 6-8) Rate Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started
Self-Assessment 6. Team/faculty completes EBS self-assessment survey. 7. Team summarizes existing school discipline data. 8. Strengths, areas of immediate focus & action plan are identified.
Features of the TIC Checklist #1: Start-Up Activity Establish Commitment (Q 1-2) Establish and Maintain Team (Q 3-5) Self-Assessment (Q 6-8) Establish School-wide Expectations (Q 9-14) Rate Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started
Establish School-wide Expectations school-wide behavior expectations are defined. 10. School-wide teaching matrix developed. 11. Teaching plans for school-wide expectations are developed. 12. School-wide behavioral expectations taught directly & formally. 13. System in place to acknowledge/reward school-wide expectations. 14. Clearly defined & consistent consequences and procedures for undesirable behaviors are developed.
Features of the TIC Checklist #1: Start-Up Activity Establish Commitment (Q 1-2) Establish and Maintain Team (Q 3-5) Self-Assessment (Q 6-8) Establish School-wide Expectations (Q 9-14) Establish Information System (Q 15) Rate Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started
Establish Information System 15. Discipline data are gathered, summarized, & reported.
Features of the TIC Checklist #1: Start-Up Activity Establish Commitment (Q 1-2) Establish and Maintain Team (Q 3-5) Self-Assessment (Q 6-8) Establish School-wide Expectations (Q 9-14) Establish Information System (Q 15) Build Capacity for Function-based Support (Q 16-17) Rate Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started
Build Capacity for Function-based Support 16. Personnel with behavioral expertise are identified & involved. 17. Plan developed to identify and establish systems for teacher support, functional assessment & support plan development & implementation.
Features of the TIC Checklist #1: Start-Up Activity Establish Commitment (Q 1-2) Establish and Maintain Team (Q 3-5) Self-Assessment (Q 6-8) Establish School-wide Expectations (Q 9-14) Establish Information System (Q 15) Build Capacity for Function-based Support (Q 16-17) Rate Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started This should be your focus for action planning!
Features of the TIC Checklist #2: On-going Activity Monitoring 1. PBS team has met at least monthly. 2. PBS team has given status report to faculty at least monthly. 3. Activities for PBS action plan implemented. 4. Accuracy of implementation of PBS action plan assessed. 5. Effectiveness of PBS action plan implementation assessed. 6. PBS data analyzed. Rate Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started
Activity: Action Planning Until 2:45 Complete the Team Implementation Checklist Refine, revise, and further develop your action plan based on data (TIC, EBS Survey, ODR data, etc.) We’ll wrap up from 2:45-3 3(?)