Coaches’ Mandatory Meeting Exam Results
Who Attended? List of 38 coaches Poor Conduct (2) Mercy Rule Violation (2) Dissent and Unsporting Behavior (34)
How Did They Do? 32 Exams Taken 50 Questions Average Score – 68% (16 questions wrong) 10 questions – 50% or more wrong responses
Purpose of Exam Why do we care? Coaches complain they are not informed of the rules by their club Dissent and unsporting behavior often comes back to lack of knowledge of rules of the game
Question Categories Five Parts (10 questions in each): Part 1 – Code of Conduct (ie. Coaching behavior during game) Part 2 – Game Day Questions (ie. Responsibilities on game day) Part 3 – League Policies (ie. Lightning/thunder, ref fees, transfers, etc.) Part 4 – League Rules Part 5 – Common Game Related Questions (ie. Rules of the Game)
Game Day Questions
11.If no referee shows up to a game: 78% Wrong A. The game cannot be played and the games commissioner must be informed B. Div. V games must still be played with a volunteer referee selected by the 2 coaches C. Div. I-IV games must still be played with a volunteer referee selected by the AWAY team if the 2 coaches cannot agree D. Div I & II games can be played with one volunteer referee from each team, officiating in the high school 2-man style to minimize conflicts
13.On game day, the home team is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT: 69% Wrong A. Up to 2 volunteers to run the sidelines if requested B. The full game fee if the visiting team fails to show up for a game C. The additional fee charged for a single game at a location D. Proper sized goals E. Requiring his team’s parents to sit directly across the field from the home team F. C and E
19.If a coach fails to get the name of the referee for their game, what should the coach NOT do: 50% Wrong A. Ask the opposing coach B. Ask their club travel rep C. Record the referee as “Unknown Referee” when they report the score D. Report the score to the games commissioner and inform him that they did not know the name of the referee
League Policies
24.All of the following players can play up EXCEPT: 81% Wrong A. A U8 player on a U10 team B. A U9 player on a U11 team C. A U11 player on a U12 team D. A U14 player on a U16 team E. A U15 player on a U18 team F. A and D G. B and D
25. The Fall Transfer Window opens on December 1st of the current year and closes on: 56% Wrong A. December 31st of that year B. The date for league registration C. February 20th of the next year D. The date for Round 1 games E. The date for Round 7 games
League Rules
39.All of the following are fines associated with SJSL except: 69% Wrong A. $100 plus ref fees for forfeiting one game during the season B. Up to $1,000 for a team that withdraws from the league after the ratings meeting C. $25 for each yellow card D. $25 for improperly completing the game card E. $250 plus a suspension for a coach receiving 2 cautions in a seasonal year F. $100 and a suspension for 2 poor conduct ratings in a season
Common Game Day Questions
44.A player may be yellow carded if he: 78% Wrong A. Delays the restart of the game B. Verbally dissents C. Denies an obvious goal scoring opportunity by handling the ball D. Uses verbally abusive language E. All of the above F. None of the above G. A and B H. C and D
45.If an indirect kick is kicked by the team directly into their own goal: 84% Wrong A. A goal is awarded to the opposing team B. The kick is retaken C. A corner kick is awarded to the opposing team D. A drop ball is used at the spot of the indirect kick
50.To determine whether a player improperly handled the ball, the referee will consider all of the following EXCEPT: 69% Wrong A. Whether the player moved his hand toward the ball B. The distance between the opponent and the ball C. Whether the player was attempting to make himself “larger” D. Whether the handling was intentional E. The age of the player