Cycle III Daily Agenda
Tuesday 11/10/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Period 2 collection for adopt a child Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.IAN and test date should be Nov 12 th. 2.Missing assignment form is required from those that have not turned in their lab. 3.Finish Notes 4.Complete Concept maps. 5.Review sheet is due along with the IAN on Thursday. 6.Amylase-Amylose lab activity?
Tuesday 11/10/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.Review Lab 12 2.Begin notes on chapter 6.
Thursday 11/12/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Period 2 collection for adopt a child Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.IAN due. 2.Review sheet is due 3.Test today..60 questions
Begin Study Pak 7 Tear out pages Tear out pages Page 238 should be part of this study pak….I will copy page 238 4U and give this to U tomorrow.
Thursday 11/12/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.New Seating Chart 2.Review Lab 12 3.Notes template for chapter 6. 4.Continue notes.
Friday 11/13/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.On Wednesday the 18 th you will be required to log in to TXConnect and show me your biology grades…make sure your log-in is working. If you can’t demonstrate your ability to log in, you will receive a zero for a lab grade. 2.New IAN…we will decide the due date and let you know Monday. 3.Design Cover 4.Complete numbering of pages and table of contents. 5.Hand out page 238 and assemble your study pak 7 …study pak is due next wed the 18 th. 6.Test is not fully scored yet….maybe by the end of the day(?) 7.Lab activity – amylase & amylose
Friday 11/13/09 Begin Study Pak 7 Tear out pages Tear out pages Page 238 should be part of this study pak….add this into the proper place.
Friday 11/13/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.New Seating Chart 2.Finish notes for chapter 6. 3.Assign chapter 7 on line work
Monday 11/16/19 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.On Wednesday the 18 th you will be required to log in to TXConnect and show me your biology grades…make sure your log-in is working. If you can’t demonstrate your ability to log in, you will receive a zero for a lab grade. 2.New IAN…we will decide the due date and let you know. 3.Hand out page 238 and assemble your study pak 7 …study pak is due wed the 18 th. 4.Test is scored and will be handed back 5.Hand in your Lab activity – amylase & amylose 6.Notes on chapter 7
Monday 11/16/19 Begin Study Pak 7 Tear out pages Tear out pages Page 238 should be part of this study pak….add this into the proper place.
Monday 11/16/19 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.New Seating Chart 2.Finish notes for chapter 6. 3.Assign chapter 7 on line work
Tuesday 11/17/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Tomorrow Wednesday the 18 th you will be required to log in to TXConnect and show me your biology grades…make sure your log-in is working. If you can’t demonstrate your ability to log in, you will receive a zero for a lab grade. 2.IAN due date December 8 th 3.Test date December 8th 4.Study pak 7 tomorrow due wed the 18 th. 5.Notes on chapter 7
Tuesday 11/17/09 Hawk Eye Questions 1.What are the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes? 2.What structures do ALL cells have? 3.Make a T chart and compare & contrast how the nucleus of an atom compares to the nucleus of a cell.
Tuesday 11/17/09 Study Pack 7 Tear out pages Tear out pages You were given page 238….add this into the proper place.
Tuesday 11/17/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.Work on lab design for Amylase/Amylose. 2.Assign chapter 8 on line work. 3.Begin AP lab 2 - Enzymes
Wednesday 11/18/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Study pack 7 is due today. 2.Today you will be required to log in to TXConnect and show me your biology 3.What’s my grade? …. Due by this Friday 11/20/09 4.IAN due date December 8 th 5.Test date December 8 th 6.If you have extra time today please open the powerpoint and complete Notes on chapter 7
Wednesday 11/18/09 Study Pack 7 Tear out pages Tear out pages You were given page 238….add this into the proper place.
Wednesday 11/18/09 Hawk Eye Questions 1.None today as we are in the computer lab.
Wednesday 11/18/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.Work on lab design for Amylase/Amylose. Turn in your lab by ____________ 2.Assign chapter 8 on line work. Due by Tuesday the 24 th 3.Begin AP lab 2 – Enzymes Friday 4.Test tomorrow chapters 4-6 consisting of 59 multi-choice questions as test in class…and 78 questions take home. These will be averaged together for your test score in TXConnect.
Thursday 11/19/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Turn in cells alive computer lab sheet. 2.What’s my grade? …. Due by this Friday 11/20/09 3.IAN due date December 8 th 4.Test date December 8 th 5.Cell lab 6.Begin chapter 10 study pack
Thursday 11/19/09 Study Pack 10
Thursday 11/19/09 Hawk Eye Questions 1.Describe how is a cell like a factory. 2.If you are viewing a cell that has a cell wall, mitochondria, a nucleus and a chloroplast, what kind of cell are viewing? 3.Compare and contrast epithileal cells with cells taken from onion tissue.
Thursday 11/19/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.Work on lab design for Amylase/Amylose. Turn in your lab by ____________ 2.Assign chapter 8 on line work. Due by Tuesday the 24 th 3.Begin AP lab 2 – Enzymes Friday 4.Test tomorrow chapters 4-6 consisting of 59 multi-choice questions as test in class…and 78 questions take home. These will be averaged together for your test score in TXConnect.
Friday 11/20/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.What’s my grade? …. Due 2.Finish Cell lab and turn it in today. 3.Reminder: Quest Tuesday the 24 th …Cell parts and their functions. 4.Begin chapter 10 study pack. Due Tuesday December 1st 5.Continue notes on chapter 7. 6.IAN due date December 8 th 7.Test date December 8 th
Friday 11/20/09 Study Pack 10 Pick up page 60 from me Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due Tuesday December 1st
Friday 11/20/09 Hawk Eye Questions 1.Explain why it is important for cells to be small. 2.Explain the natural direction of movement of all molecules. 3.Create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast diffusion with osmosis.
Friday 11/20/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.Work on lab for Amylase/Amylose. Turn in your lab Monday. 2.Assign chapter 8 on line work. Due by Tuesday the 24 th 3.Begin AP lab 2 – Enzymes 4.78 questions take home test due Monday.
Monday 11/23/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Reminder: Quest tomorrow the 24 th …Cell parts and their functions. 2.Begin chapter 10 study pack. Due Tuesday December 1st 3.FINISH notes on chapter 7. 4.Activity: Osmosis foldables…due Monday the 30th 5.IAN due date December 8 th 6.Test date December 8 th
Monday 11/23/09 Study Pack 10 Pick up page 60 from me Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due Tuesday December 1st
Monday 11/23/09 Hawk Eye Questions 1.Compare and contrast the terms hypertonic vs hypotonic. 2.Compare and contrast active transport vs passive transport.
Monday 11/23/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.Work on lab for Amylase/Amylose. Turn in your lab Monday. 2.Assign chapter 8 on line work. Due by Tuesday the 24 th 3.Begin AP lab 2 – Enzymes 4.78 questions take home test due Monday.
Tuesday 11/24 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Quest today the 24 th …Cell parts and their functions study pack due Tuesday December 1st 3.FINISH notes on chapter 7. 4.Activity: Osmosis foldables…due Monday the 30 th 5.Activity: foldables on hyper, hypo and isotonic solutions 6.Begin Osmosis lab 7.IAN due date December 8 th 8.Test date December 8 th
Tuesday 11/24 Study Pack 10 Pick up page 60 from me Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due Tuesday December 1st
Tuesday 11/24 Hawk Eye Questions 1.Make a triangle venn diagram to show the similarities and differences between iso, hyper and hypotonic solutions.
Tuesday 11/24 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.Work on lab for Amylase/Amylose. Turn in your lab Monday. 2.Assign chapter 8 on line work. Due by Tuesday the 24 th 3.Begin AP lab 2 – Enzymes 4.78 questions take home test due Monday.
Monday 11/30/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.10 study pack due tomorrow 2.FINISH notes on chapter 7 (?) 3.Finish Osmosis foldables and turn in. 4.Finish foldables on hyper, hypo and isotonic solutions…turn in. 5.Begin Osmosis lab 6.IAN due date December 8 th 7.Test date December 8 th
Monday 11/30/09 Study Pack 10 Pick up page 60 from me Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due Tuesday December 1st
Monday 11/30/09 Hawk Eye Questions 1.Make a triangle venn diagram to show the similarities and differences between iso, hyper and hypotonic solutions.
Monday 11/30/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.Work on lab for Amylase/Amylose. Turn in your lab Monday. 2.Assign chapter 8 on line work. Due by Tuesday the 24 th 3.Begin AP lab 2 – Enzymes 4.78 questions take home test due Monday.
Tuesday 12/1/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.10 study pack due today 2.FINISH notes on chapter 7 (?) 3.Continue Osmosis lab …due Thursday 12/3/09 4.IAN due date December 8 th 5.Test date December 8 th
Tuesday 12/1/09 Study Pack 10 Pick up page 60 from me Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due Tuesday December 1st
Tuesday 12/1/09 Hawk Eye Questions 1.Explain the term gradient. 2.Explain the term equilibrium. 3.How are each of these terms related to homeostasis?
Tuesday 12/1/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.Finish enzyme lab – AP lab 2. Due tomorrow 12/2/09
Wednesday 12/2/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Notes on chapter 10 today. 2.Osmosis lab …due Thursday 12/3/09 3.IAN due date December 8 th 4.Test date December 8 th
Wednesday 12/2/09 Hawk Eye Questions 1.How is DNA like books in a library? 2.As a cell increases in size, which increases more rapidly, its surface area or its volume? 3.Name the steps in the cell cycle in order.
Wednesday 12/2/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! 1.Turn in enzyme lab – AP lab 2. 2.Hand out integrity of membranes lab 3.Begin chapter 9 notes.
Thursday 12/3/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Computer Lab - Cell transport 2.Osmosis lab …due today 3.IAN due date December 8 th 4.Test date December 8 th 5.Grade reports given today
Thursday 12/3/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! Integrity of membranes lab Begin chapter 9 notes.
Friday 12/4/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the FRONT of the room! 1.Computer Lab – mitosis 2.Hand out review sheet for the test. 3.IAN due date December 8 th 4.Test date December 8 th YOU HAVE UNTIL THURSDAY DECEMBER 10 TH TO MAKE UP WORK
Friday 12/4/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! Integrity of membranes lab Begin chapter 9 notes.
Monday 12/7/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the FRONT of the room! 1.Mandatory book check tomorrow!!! 10 pts!!!! 2.Turn in your lab – mitosis 3.Work on the review sheet for the test…due tomorrow. 4.Finish your IAN…all pages plus Costas and hawk eye questions. 5.IAN due date tomorrow December 8 th 6.Test date TOMORROW December 8 th 7.Begin chapter 8 study pack YOU HAVE UNTIL THURSDAY DECEMBER 10 TH TO MAKE UP WORK
Monday 12/7/09 Study Pack 8 Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due Thursday December 10th
Monday 12/7/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! Integrity of membranes lab Begin chapter 9 notes.
Tuesday 12/8/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Mandatory book check!!! 10 pts!!!! sheet for the test…due. 3.Finish your IAN…all pages plus Costas and hawk eye questions. 4.IAN due date tomorrow December 9 th 5.Test today..50 questions scantron. 6.Begin chapter 8 study pack YOU HAVE UNTIL THURSDAY DECEMBER 10 TH TO MAKE UP WORK
Sharpen your pencil Pick up a scantron Turn in your review sheet Pick up the new IAN (you may turn in your current IAN tomorrow)
For the Cell/Cell Cycle test High score was 49/50=98% Low score was 15/30=30% Average score was 35/50=70% Any student score below 35/50 (70%) should come in for test correctives then retake the test in order to raise the test grade to a 70%
Tuesday 12/8/09 Study Pack 8 Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due Thursday December 10th
Tuesday 12/8/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! Oxidation of Jelly Bellys Continue chapter 9 notes.
Wed 12/9/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Mandatory book check! We need the “accession number” 2.Cells and cell cycle IAN is due today. 3.Begin notes on chapter 8. 4.Set up fermentation lab. 5.Test scores should appear in TXConnect. 6.Make sure you work on your chapter 8 study pack…its due tomorrow YOU HAVE UNTIL THURSDAY DECEMBER 10 TH TO MAKE UP WORK
Wed 12/9/09 For the Cell/Cell Cycle test High score was 49/50=98% Low score was 15/50=30% Average score was 35/50=70% Any student score below 35/50 (70%) should come in for test correctives then retake the test in order to raise the test grade to a 70%
Wed 12/9/09 Hawk Eye Questions 1.Write the equation for photosynthesis and underneath, write the equation for respiration. 2.Draw a venn diagram. Explain the similarities and differences between the 2 equations.
Wed 12/9/09 Study Pack 8 Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due Thursday December 10th
Wed 12/9/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! Continue chapter 9 notes.
Thursday 12/10/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Mandatory book check! We need the “accession number” 2.IAN due date is the day of your midterm exam. 3.Finish notes on chapter 8. 4.Set up fermentation lab. 5.Chapter 8 study pack…its due date is changed to tomorrow Friday 6.Pull out chapter 9 study pack…due the day of your midterm exam
thursday 12/10/09 Midterms are 1 hour 20 minutes Your exam will cover all units we’ve learned thus far. 100 questions, scantron You will get a review sheet as soon as it is ready…probably tomorrow. Period 2 midterm Period 3 midterm Period 6 midterm Wed December 16th Period 7 midterm
Thursday 12/10/09 For the Cell/Cell Cycle test High score was 49/50=98% Low score was 15/50=30% Average score was 35/50=70% Any student score below 35/50 (70%) should come in for test correctives then retake the test in order to raise the test grade to a 70%
Thursday 12/10/09 Hawk Eye Questions 1.How is bromothymol blue used to indicate whether CO 2 is produced by an organism? 2.What process occurs in organisms to release CO 2 ? 3.What is the goal of cellular respiration?
Thursday 12/10/09 Study Pack 9 Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due the day of your midterm exam
Thursday 12/10/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! Continue chapter 9 notes.
Friday 12/11/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.Mandatory book check! We need the “accession number” 2.IAN due date is the day of your midterm exam. 3.Notes on chapter 9. (second period must get the notes from the assignments drive or the website) 4.Take data on Respiration/Fermentation lab. 5.Chapter 8 study pack…its due today 6.Chapter 9 study pack…due the day of your midterm exam
` Put food refreshments on the white table. Don’t take any food or drinks yet until I give permission. Sign the card for Christina
Friday 12/11/09 Study Pack 9 Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due the day of your midterm exam
Friday 12/11/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! Continue chapter 9 notes.
Monday 12/14/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.IAN due date is the day of your midterm exam. 2.Finish notes on chapter 9. 3.Lab: lactic acid formation 4.Take data on Respiration/Fermentation lab. 5.Chapter 9 study pack…due the day of your midterm exam 6.Hand out midterm exam review….due the day of your exam handed in BEFORE you take the exam!!!!
Monday 12/14/09 Study Pack 9 Tear out pages Tear out pages Assemble in order Due the day of your midterm exam
Monday 12/14/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! Set up AP lab 5 List study topics for MidTerm Exam
Wednesday 12/16/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.IAN due 2.Chapter 9 study pack…due 3.Midterm exam review….due to be handed in BEFORE you take the exam!!!! 4.Sharpen your pencils 5.Clear your tables 6.Do NOT turn the test over until I give permission to begin. 7.Write your exam copy number on your test scantron.
Wednesday 12/16/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! Finish up AP lab 5…due tomorrow Study topics for MidTerm Exam
Wed 12/16 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! Set up AP lab 5 List study topics for MidTerm Exam
Thursday 12/117/09 Daily Agenda PreAP Biology Please put book bags, purses, backpacks at the side of the room! 1.IAN due 2.Chapter 9 study pack… due 3.Midterm review….due to be handed in BEFORE you take the exam!!!! 4.Sharpen your pencils 5.Clear your tables 6.Do NOT turn the test over until I give permission to begin. 7.Write your exam copy number on your test scantron as soon as I give it to you.
Thursday 12/117/09 Daily Agenda AP Biology No book bags, purses, backpacks at your lab tables please! AP lab 5…due today MidTerm Exam… 100 questions (same rate as the AP Biology exam)