1 The New York State Education Department New York State’s Student Reporting and Accountability System
2 The New York State Education Department New York State Testing and Accountability Reporting Tool Provides teachers and administrators with the information they need to increase student achievement across the State. Includes Web-based access to student records, including test scores, and enrollment, program, demographic, and other performance data. The New York State Education Department
3 Report Types Verification Reports Assessment Reports Accountability Reports
4 The New York State Education Department Assessment Reports Individual Student Reports are print-ready reports that explain students’ performance on these assessments to parents and/or guardians and teachers in a concise manner. Summary Reports provide BOCES, district, or school performance in print-ready format for ELA and math assessments in Grades 3–8 and for the New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA). Interactive Reports allow teachers and administrators, as authorized, to view and analyze the State assessment performance of students by a variety of factors, using the Web.
5 The New York State Education Department Performance Measures Scale score uses a numerical scale that runs continuously from beginning skills (i.e., lower student achievement) to advanced skills (i.e., higher student achievement) at a particular grade level and enable comparisons from year to year because the same scale score represents the same level of achievement at a particular grade level from year to year. Performance Levels indicates the students’ performance in relation to the Learning Standards: Level 1not meeting, Level 2partially meeting, Level 3meeting Level 4meeting with distinction Standard Performance Index gives parents and teachers information about a child’s strengths and weaknesses on the content areas tested.
6 The New York State Education Department Student Performance Index (SPI) Welcome Tour of Reports Available on nySTART Using the Reports The purpose of the Standard Performance Index (SPI) is to give parents and teachers information about a child’s strengths and weaknesses on the content areas tested in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. In ELA, SPIs are produced for the three tested ELA Learning Standards; in mathematics, for each of the five content strands. This is done annually!!
7 The New York State Education Department Student Performance Index (SPI) Welcome Tour of Reports Available on nySTART Using the Reports The SPI estimates the number of questions the child would answer correctly if there were 100 items covering the content area. The SPI uses sophisticated statistical techniques to provide useful information about a child’s strengths and weaknesses. Because a test may include as few as four questions covering a content area, the information provided is not precise enough to conceptualize performance according to the four categories used to describe overall test performance.
8 The New York State Education Department Student Performance Index (SPI) Welcome Tour of Reports Available on nySTART Using the Reports The SPI is a score between 0 and 100. By itself, the SPI is difficult to interpret. The questions in some content areas may be more difficult than the questions in other areas. Therefore, an SPI of 70 may indicate strong performance in one area and weaker performance in another. To help teachers and parents interpret their student’s SPI, we use it to divide students into three groups. There are two broad groups — those who are clearly meeting the standard in that area and those who are not.
9 The New York State Education Department Student Performance Index (SPI) Welcome Tour of Reports Available on nySTART Using the Reports The third group includes students whose performance cannot be so easily categorized. The performance of these students is in the same range as that of students who scored at the Level 3 cut point; that is, of students who achieved the lowest scale scores that could be considered to have met the standard. The performance of these students is used to define the target range. Students within this range on an SPI can be considered to have the knowledge and skills in that content area expected of students who meet the standards.
10 The New York State Education Department SPI Target Ranges Welcome Tour of Reports Available on nySTART Using the Reports SAMPLE ONLY SPI Performance SPI Target Range Test Performance Level 1Level Level 4 CUT POINTS
11 The New York State Education Department Assessment Reports: Individual Student Reports Translations of these reports are available in 10 languages.
12 The New York State Education Department Assessment Reports: Summary Reports
13 The New York State Education Department Key Highlights of Interactive Reports: Overview Reports View and sort performance data by district, school, grade, and student Analyze performance by student group Analyze by Performance Level
14 The New York State Education Department View data according to Subgroups –Disability Status –Race/Ethnicity –Gender –English Proficiency –Economic Status –Migrant Status Key Highlights of Interactive Reports: Subgroup Reports
15 The New York State Education Department Key Highlights of Interactive Reports: Standards Reports and Item Reports See and analyze data by content strands/learning standards See and analyze data by test question
16 The New York State Education Department Key Highlights of Interactive Reports: Creating Reports Customize your own reports by selecting student groups, according to ethnicity, gender, disability status, English proficiency or other demographic factors.
17 The New York State Education Department How the Public Can Use This System Public cannot have access to individual student data After report cards are released, public will have access to the aggregate data in the Annual Reporting Database Next year, public will have access to tools for analyzing data on the Annual Reporting Database: Compare data for a particular assessment across districts or among members of a similar school group Compare performance of disabled students, or other groups, across districts
18 The New York State Education Department Using the nySTART demo
19 The New York State Education Department Highlights of nySTART for Schools Provide all schools with the ability to analyze student performance by scale score, performance level, ELA Learning Standard, math content strand, or test question Provide schools with the ability to analyze student performance by student group, e.g., race/ethnicity Provide schools with the ability to compare student performance with the district, the State, or similar schools
20 The New York State Education Department Highlights of nySTART for Parents More informative reports on test results for grades 3-8 ELA and mathematics Similar reports for parents of disabled students who take the Alternate Assessments Parent Web site with information on testing program and tips for helping child Translation guides in 10 languages for parents who are more proficient in these languages than in English
21 The New York State Education Department Communicating With Parents –Discussion about how to use individual student reports when talking with parents –Additional resources for parents: