John Brown Pence
How he started: ● John Brown had always thought that slavery was wrong. o as a 12yr old boy, Brown witnessed an African- American boy be beaten, since then it had scarred him. thus inspiring his own abolitionism.
Who was he: ● Was a white, American abolitionist, who believed that armed revolts would be the only way to overpower the idea of slavery in the U.S. o Even though he didn't have much money himself, he still wanted to pursue the ending of slavery.
● Did you know ??? o Brown took part in the underground railroad, gave land to freed African-Americans and created a group called “League of Gileadites”. a group of people that would protect African- American citizens from slave hunters. life:
life continued... ● In 1855 Brown had moved to Kansas, and with the passing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 just being passed, there was conflict over what kind of state the territory would be; free or slave. ● In 1856 Brown became involved with the conflict; several of his men including himself, killed 5 “Pro- Slavery settlers” in a retaliatory attack at Pottawatomie Creek.
more continued... ● In 1858 Brown emancipated a group of enslaved people from a homestead in Missouri. He helped them to freedom in Canada.
Harpers Ferry: ● On October 16, 1859 Brown led a group of 21 men on a raid of the armory of Harpers Ferry in (now west) Virginia. Holding a bunch of men hostage, with the idea of inspiring a slave revolution, Brown and his men held out for 2 days. ● They were then defeated by military forces, and many of Brown’s men were killed, including 2 of his sons, Brown was captured. o Brown’s case went to trial and on November 2nd he was sentenced to death. Brown was executed on December 2nd, 1859.
The end: ● ●