From the New World Translation  Jesus  Spirit  Gospel  26 Well, eight days later his disciples were again indoors, and Thomas with them. Jesus came,


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Presentation transcript:

From the New World Translation  Jesus  Spirit  Gospel  26 Well, eight days later his disciples were again indoors, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and he stood in their midst and said: “May YOU have peace.” 27 Next he said to Thomas: “Put your finger here, and see my hands, and take your hand and stick it into my side, and stop being unbelieving but become believing.” 28 In answer Thomas said to him: “My Lord and my God!” 29 Jesus said to him: “Because you have seen me have you believed? Happy are those who do not see and yet believe.” John 20:26-29

From the New World Translation  Jesus  Spirit  Gospel  1 However, a certain man, An·a·ni´as by name, together with Sap·phi´ra his wife, sold a possession 2 and secretly held back some of the price, his wife also knowing about it, and he brought just a part and deposited it at the feet of the apostles. 3 But Peter said: “An·a·ni´as, why has Satan emboldened you to play false to the holy spirit and to hold back secretly some of the price of the field? 4 As long as it remained with you did it not remain yours, and after it was sold did it not continue in your control? Why was it that you purposed such a deed as this in your heart? You have played false, not to men, but to God.” Acts 5:1-4

From the New World Translation  Jesus  Spirit  Gospel  30 To be sure, Jesus performed many other signs also before the disciples, which are not written down in this scroll. 31 But these have been written down that YOU may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God, and that, because of believing, YOU may have life by means of his name. John 20:30-31

 Cary Christian School APOLOGETICS


The Schedule  Mormons – the Overview  Mormons the details  Debates – 1-3

Bibliography for JW’s  Kenneth Boa, Cults, World Religions and the Occult  Walter Martin, The Kingdom of the Cults  Ron Rhodes, Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons  Mark Cares, Speaking the Truth in Love to the Mormons  James Walker and Watchman

Key Indicators  Another Jesus  A Different Spirit  Another Gospel  K.I.S.S. method - simplicity

For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully. -2 Corinthians 11:4 NAU

Mormons and 11:4  Jesus is just a spirit child of “the gods” (Mary and God or Adam), who’s brother is Lucifer and is our “elder brother”  The Spirit is just a fluid dispensed for living or an influence (sometimes the “light of Christ”, which is dictated by legalism  The Gospel is one where the atonement of Christ only removes past guilt and sins and enables one to work for salvation. Strict obedience to Mormon Church is required. “The Course of Wisdom is the Course of Obedience”

Mormons and other doctrines  Historically founded by Joseph Smith in early 1800’s  Claims special revelation from angel Moroni  The Bible needs the Book of Mormon+  Cultic formulation of so-called revelation  About 25,000 words verbatim with KJV  Multiple historical inaccuracies and changes  Also, Pearl of Great Price & Doctrines and Covenants

Mormons and other doctrines  Areas of obedience includes:  Mormon Baptism  Secret Temple rituals for the members in good standing  Strict disciplines regarding no alcohol, tobacco, coffee or tea  Holds that there is a baptism for the dead  Missionary work over a two-year mission is strongly encouraged  Three levels of heaven and outer darkness

 Cary Christian School APOLOGETICS