Resource share and exchange Xin lujiang
Resource share is characteristic in information times. As the important basis for record and transfer and creation of civilization and the culture platform museum should face the world with a vision of opening and compatibility and form a network to better serve the society.
Currently there are 2970 museums in china. Since 2008 the state administration of cultural heritage promotes the public museums free admission for the purpose of let museums benefit more people. There are 1444 museums adopting this policy and each museum’s visitors get a increase of 50% in general.
Museums free admission
museums are encouraged to provide more exhibits as possible to keep attraction to people. An efficient way is to cooperate and integrate museums’ resource of collections and exhibits. Last year a booklet gathering 83 travel exhibits from 19 provincial museums was distributed free, and all the exhibits information was released on website and will be renewed in time.
Booklet of Exhibit information Website of exhibit information
At the same time besides going abroad to hold over 70 exhibits every year, our museums are beginning to absorb more foreign exhibits.
In 2009 under the coordinate of china’s state administration of cultural heritage and Italy ministry of culture and activities 489 objects from over 70 museums in both countries are brought together and formed a wonderful exhibit named from Qinhan dynasty to Rome empire, which traveled in Beijing world art museum and luoyang museum in henan province from July 2009 to march 2010, and next month the exhibit will meet Italian in Milan and Rome.
Opening ceremony in Beijing world art museum of exhibit :from qinhan dynasty to Rome empire
In the future we will make more effort to enhance resource share and culture exchange among museums at home and abroad.
1) through inter-government agreement, lead museums to sign long term cooperation contract and strengthen reciprocity; and now we are negotiating with Italian ministry of culture to sign such an agreement to lay a basis for enhancing two countries museums’ cooperation;
2) exchange exhibit and plan exhibit together; besides with museums in developed country, we are looking forward to more cooperation with museums in other countries; and now with Indian embassy we are helping two exhibits from India to travel four cities in china this year;
3) for purpose of education and on the basis of mutual benefit carry out exchange of collection, including lending and leasing object;
4) Facilitate professional exchange, including curator and staff. last year we sent a delegation of curators of museums to Greece to exchange how museums protect relics and received a delegation of UK museums. This January we sent a group to UK as a return visit. We are going to send a delegation to Denmark in may to exchange how to develop museum’s cultural product with elements of exhibit and collection.