Agricultural Science and Technology Dairy Terminology Lesson #2 By Mr. Weaver
OBJECTIVES 1.Quiz over material from lesson #1 (breeds). 2.Define commonly used dairy terminology. 3.Identify different phases in the dairy animal’s life cycle.
Major Breeds of Dairy Cattle Quiz
5 6 (7-10) List the breed that applies: 7. Produces more pounds of milk per body weight than any other dairy breed. 8. Has milk that is high in betacarotene. 9. Dual purpose breed. 10. One of the oldest Dairy breeds.
Dairy Terminology Bull – uncastrated male dairy animal. Steer – castrated male dairy animal. Heifer – female dairy animal that has not had a calf. (Usually less than months of age) Cow – female dairy animal that has had a calf. Calving – the act of parturition in cattle. Calves - male or female dairy animal under one year of age dairy character - characteristics indicating that the animal will be useful in the dairy industry.
Dairy Terminology Continued…. colostrum - First milk following calving. High in fat, protein, and immunoglobulins. butterfat - percent of fat in the milk milk production - amount in pounds of milk that a cow produces during a lactation period. lactation - span of time that a cow is producing milk (10 months / 305d. = ideal) mammary system – system in the cow responsible for storing and producing milk –Udder - The encased group of mammary glands provided with teats or nipples as in a cow, ewe, mare or sow. Also referred to as a bag.
Hutch - An individual housing unit for young calves. (White fiberglass or polyvinyl) pedigree - register of lines of ancestry –Sire / Father or male parent in a pedigree. –Dam / Mother or female parent in a pedigree. breed characteristics - physical traits that differentiate from breed from another Cull/Cull Cow - To remove a cow from the herd. Culling reasons in clued voluntary culling of cows for low milk production, or involuntary culling of cows for reasons of health or injury. Dairy Terminology Continued….
Ruminant - Animals having four stomach compartments –Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum and Abomasums –These animals chew their cud or regurgitate partially digested food for further breakdown in the mouth. –Ruminant animals include cattle, sheep, goats, deer and camels. Parlor - The specialized area on the dairy farm where milking is performed. Parlors come in many types: –Flat BarnFlat Barn –Walk-throughWalk-through –HerringboneHerringbone –ParallelParallel –SwingSwing –RotaryRotary Dairy Terminology Continued….
The Life of a Dairy Animal 1 - birth to calving 2 - first calf dams 3 - mature lactating cows 4 - dry periods Newborn 6 Month OldYearling2 Year OldMature Cow
Typical Life Cycle of a Cow Mr. WeaverApril 17, 2007Oregon State University *Goal is a 12 month calving interval.*Cows average 2.5 lactations Birth Weaning 6-8 weeks 1 st Breeding 15 months 1 st Calf 24 months Don’t reach mature size until at least 4 years of age. * Breeding Calving occurs 9 m. (279 d.) (Gestation Period) Dry off 2 months before calving
OBJECTIVES COMPLETED! Quiz over material from lesson #1 (breeds). Define commonly used dairy terminology. Identify different phases in the dairy animal’s life cycle.