North West Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC) Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Tony Fisher Royal Liverpool University Hospital and Merseyside Training Consortium for Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Merseyside MSC Early Adopters Partnership 1.Who we are 2.Why be Early Adopters? 3.What we planned 4.What we’ve done 5.Where we are now 6.What we’re doing next
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering The Partnership (NHS Teaching Hospital, HEI, SHA) 1.Merseyside Training Consortium for Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering (MTC) i.Depts of Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering (MP&CE) and Nuclear Medicine, Royal Liverpool University Hospital (RLUH) ii.Dept. of Physics, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology (CCO) 2.University of Liverpool i.Department of Physics ii.School of Medical Education iii.Clinical Engineering Unit, School of Clinical Sciences 3.NHS NW (SHA) i.Mersey Deanery ii.Cheshire & Merseyside Healthcare Science Network iii.Commissioners for Training & Education
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering The Partnership (NHS Teaching Hospital, HEI, SHA) 1.Merseyside Training Consortium for Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering (MTC) i.Depts of Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering (MP&CE) and Nuclear Medicine, Royal Liverpool University Hospital (RLUH) ii.Dept. of Physics, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology (CCO) 2.University of Liverpool i.Department of Physics ii.School of Medical Education iii.Clinical Engineering Unit, School of Clinical Sciences 3.NHS NW (SHA) i.Mersey Deanery ii.Cheshire & Merseyside Healthcare Science Network iii.Commissioners for Training & Education
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering The Partnership (NHS Teaching Hospital, HEI, SHA) 1.Merseyside Training Consortium for Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering (MTC) i.Depts of Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering (MP&CE) and Nuclear Medicine, Royal Liverpool University Hospital (RLUH) ii.Dept. of Physics, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology (CCO) 2.University of Liverpool i.Department of Physics ii.School of Medical Education iii.Clinical Engineering Unit, School of Clinical Sciences 3.NHS NW (SHA) i.Mersey Deanery ii.Cheshire & Merseyside Healthcare Science Network iii.Commissioners for Training & Education
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering The Partnership (NHS Teaching Hospital, HEI, SHA) 1.Merseyside Training Consortium for Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering (MTC) i.Depts of Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering (MP&CE) and Nuclear Medicine, Royal Liverpool University Hospital (RLUH) ii.Dept. of Physics, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology (CCO) 2.University of Liverpool i.Department of Physics ii.School of Medical Education iii.Clinical Engineering Unit, School of Clinical Sciences 3.NHS NW (SHA) i.Mersey Deanery ii.Cheshire & Merseyside Healthcare Science Network iii.Commissioners for Training & Education
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Merseyside MSC Early Adopters Partnership 1.Who we are 2.Why be Early Adopters? 3.What we planned 4.What we’ve done 5.Where we are now 6.What we’re doing next
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Thoughts before becoming an Early Adopter What’s in it for –department (MP&CE)? –trust (RLBUHT)? –Merseyside Training Consortium in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering? –University (of Liverpool)? –profession (IPEM, Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine)?
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Thoughts before becoming an Early Adopter What’s in it for –department (MP&CE)? –trust (RLBUHT)? –Merseyside Training Consortium in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering? –University (of Liverpool)? –profession (IPEM, Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine)?
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Thoughts before becoming an Early Adopter What’s in it for –me? –my department (MP&CE)? –my trust (RLBUHT)? –Merseyside Training Consortium in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering? –my University (of Liverpool)? –my profession (IPEM, Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine)? Consider the alternative?
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Merseyside MSC Early Adopters Partnership 1.Who we are 2.Why be Early Adopters? 3.What we planned 4.What we’ve done 5.Where we are now 6.What we’re doing next
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering on Merseyside Locally Feasibility study of delivering an STP MSC programme on Merseyside Vocational elements HEI MSc elements Contribute to the Cheshire & Merseyside Health Care Science Network EA Regionally Sit on NHS NW MSC Implementation Board Nationally Contribute to EA Forum from all over England... doing-and-listening Attend HEI briefings
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering on Merseyside Locally Feasibility study of delivering an STP MSC programme on Merseyside Vocational elements HEI MSc elements Contribute to the Cheshire & Merseyside Health Care Science Network EA Regionally Sit on NHS NW MSC Implementation Board Nationally Contribute to EA Forum from all over England... doing-and-listening Attend HEI briefings
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering on Merseyside Locally Feasibility study of delivering an STP MSC programme on Merseyside Vocational elements HEI MSc elements Contribute to the Cheshire & Merseyside Health Care Science Network EA Regionally Sit on NHS NW MSC Implementation Board Nationally Contribute to EA Forum from all over England... doing-and-listening Attend HEI briefings
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Objective - Briefly describe the aims of the project (from the Application Form) establish the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) curriculum for two training streams propose the content of the HEI taught component identify NHS resources to contribute to HEI taught component identify a vocational placements regime in local trusts solicit feedback from other NHS Trusts on all proposals solicit feedback from IPEM, ACS and HPC, on proposals where appropriate identify the requirements of the UoL Academic Standards Committee for the award of the most appropriate PG degree. propose a business model for the Partnership between the MTC, the University of Liverpool and the NHS NW Mersey Deanery to deliver an integrated approach to MSC
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Merseyside MSC Early Adopters Partnership 1.Who we are 2.Why be Early Adopters? 3.What we planned 4.What we’ve done 5.Where we are now 6.What we’re doing next
Objective - Briefly describe the aims of the project (from the Application Form) establish the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) curriculum for two training streams propose the content of the HEI taught component identify NHS resources to contribute to HEI taught component identify a vocational placements regime in local trusts solicit feedback from other NHS Trusts on all proposals solicit feedback from IPEM, ACS and HPC, on proposals where appropriate identify the requirements of the UoL Academic Standards Committee for the award of the most appropriate PG degree propose a business model for the Partnership between the MTC, the University of Liverpool and the NHS NW Mersey Deanery to deliver an integrated approach to MSC Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering
Merseyside MSC Early Adopters Partnership 1.Who we are 2.Why be Early Adopters? 3.What we planned 4.What we’ve done 5.Where we are now 6.What we’re doing next
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Formal partnership between: University of Liverpool Royal Liverpool Univ. Hospital Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology - Awarded MSc Clinical Science (Medical Physics) for MSC** - 7 STP Trainees in Medical Physics from September 2011 ** lead by UoL Merseyside NHS Training Consortium
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Local MSC Governance Board
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Local MSC Governance Board The Patient Interest (St John’s Hospice) Training Consortium QA (ISO9000) University Senate University Lecturers Training Consortium Trainers (NHS) MSc students SHA Lead Scientist SHA Education Commissioners Reflects the interests of all stakeholders
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Merseyside MSC Early Adopters Partnership 1.Who we are 2.Why be Early Adopters? 3.What we planned 4.What we’ve done 5.Where we are now 6.What we’re doing next
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering So after the STP … how about the HSST? NHS Higher Specialist Scientific Training
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci An outline paper to Sue Hill (14 th October 2011) Some very early thoughts on a Professional Doctorate Programme (DClinSci) in support of MSC HSST across all three Divisions: a consortium NHS Trust/HEI approach University of Liverpool Royal Liverpool University Hospital Liverpool John Moores University Professor Tony Fisher Dept of Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Royal Liverpool University Hospital, and Dept. of Physics, University of Liverpool
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci What do we require of our HSST ‘graduates’? That they be recognised as: bona fide Scientists Administrators with leadership, managerial and innovation skills Teachers, trainers and educators recognition? by their HCS peers and medical colleagues by the Medical Establishment by their employers … … by The Public Could this be achieved by a highly prescribed programme centred around an innovative Professional Doctorate, the DClinSci?
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci What do we require of our HSST ‘graduates’? That they be recognised as: bona fide Scientists Administrators with leadership, managerial and innovation skills Teachers, trainers and educators recognition? by their HCS peers and medical colleagues by the Medical Establishment by their employers … … by The Public Could this be achieved by a highly prescribed programme centred around an innovative Professional Doctorate, the DClinSci?
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci What do we require of our HSST ‘graduates’? That they be recognised as: bona fide Scientists Administrators with leadership, managerial and innovation skills Teachers, trainers and educators recognition? by their HCS peers and medical colleagues by the Medical Establishment by their employers … … by The Public Could this be achieved by a highly prescribed programme centred around an innovative Professional Doctorate, the DClinSci?
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci A proposal is made that such a Professional Doctorate can be delivered in a consortium approach across an NHS University Teaching Hospital with HEI partners, mainly exploiting existing resources. The Doctorate must be: Academically rigorous Regulated by local systems of Governance and Quality Assurance Malleable to meet explicit academic requirements of MSC HSST Achievable in context of in-service (on-the-job) delivery... … Provide useful (sic) graduates ⁻ scientists ⁻ business savvy administrators ⁻ teachers and educators … … viz 3 parts >>>
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci A proposal is made that such a Professional Doctorate can be delivered in a consortium approach across an NHS University Teaching Hospital with HEI partners, mainly exploiting existing resources. The Doctorate must be: Academically rigorous Regulated by local systems of Governance and Quality Assurance Malleable to meet explicit academic requirements of MSC HSST Achievable in context of in-service (on-the-job) delivery... … Provide useful (sic) graduates ⁻ scientists ⁻ business savvy administrators ⁻ teachers and educators … … viz 3 parts >>>
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci A proposal is made that such a Professional Doctorate can be delivered in a consortium approach across an NHS University Teaching Hospital with HEI partners, mainly exploiting existing resources. The Doctorate must be: Academically rigorous Regulated by local systems of Governance and Quality Assurance Malleable to meet explicit academic requirements of MSC HSST Achievable in context of in-service (on-the-job) delivery... … Provide useful (sic) graduates ⁻ scientists ⁻ business savvy administrators ⁻ teachers and educators … … viz 3 parts >>>
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci Liverpool 3-part model The Science 12 month high quality in the workplace supervised by HEI 180 credits Admin and Managerial ILM Leadership and Management at Level 7 NHS delivered 180 credits Timelines and concurrency to be decided? Teaching and Education skills for advanced teachers and trainers HEI delivered 180 credits
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci Liverpool 3-part model The Science 12 month high quality peer-reviewed publications? thesis in the workplace supervised by HEI Division specific Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering, Univ. of Liverpool Physiological Sciences, Liverpool John Moores Univ. Life Sciences, Liverpool John Moores Univ.
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci Liverpool 3-part model Admin and Managerial ILM Institute of Leadership and Management at Level 7 mainly NHS delivered Royal Liverpool Univ. Hospital: ILM Accredited Lead Centre With additional … Univ. of Liverpool Business School, Health Economics (Masters module)
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci Liverpool 3-part model Teaching and Education skills for advanced teachers and trainers HEI delivered, Univ. of Liverpool based on Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci Liverpool 3-part model Readiness All material currently exists within: either HEI accredited taught postgraduate courses at Liverpool and John Moores Universities (10 credits: transferable module status ) or ILM Institute of Leadership and Management accredited school at Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci Liverpool 3-part model Executive sign-up at October 2011 Royal Liverpool Univ. Hospital Chief Executive, Mr T Bell Exec Educational Lead, Ms S Clayton University of Liverpool PVC Science & Engineering, Prof S Holloway PVC Medicine & Health Science, Prof I Greer HoD Physics, Prof T Greenshaw Liverpool John Moores University Vince Chancellor, Prof N P Weatherill Dean, Faculty of Health & Applied Social Sciences Prof G Mazhindu
Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Merseyside MSC Early Adopters Partnership 1.Who we are 2.Why be Early Adopters? 3.What we planned 4.What we’ve done 5.Where we are now 6.What we’re doing next
North West Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC) Early Adopter – STP in Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering ? Professional Doctorate Programme for HSST DClinSci ? Tony Fisher Royal Liverpool University Hospital and Merseyside Training Consortium for Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering