Dyslexia: Mystery or Myth By: Genee’ B. Mitchell
Introduction Every student in your class is unique and different. Some of those differences make learning more of a challenge for some of your peers. Students are encouraged to try to place themselves in the position of someone with Dyslexia. A sense of open mindedness is promoted among the students. Students are to perform some of the corrective measures that a person with Dyslexia would in order to process a lesson or information. Students are to read text the way that person with this disability would see it.
Task You are required to become as knowledgeable as possible about the disability. This means that you must find: Symptoms Causes Treatments
Also, you must find technological solutions that may be implemented to benefit to the students educationally. Report your findings to the teacher in a three page report.
Process Using an Assistive Technology and Dyslexia Internet scavenger hunt, answer the questions using the links provided.
Beginning the Process What are the symptoms of Dyslexia? What are its causes? What are effective treatments? slexia.htmhttp:// slexia.htm
What is assistive technology? h086.shtmlhttp:// h086.shtml
What types of AT address Dyslexia? How can they benefit students in the classrooms?
At the completion of your search: Print out the scavenger hunt. Make a list of AT solutions that could be given to the School District might use to help dyslexic students. Turn this in with your report.
Evaluation BeginningDevelopingAccomplishedExemplary Score Can recognize symptoms Unable to recognize a few Can recognize a few symptoms Can recognize many symptoms Can recognize Most symptoms Know cause No clue of the causes Knows a few causes Knows many causes Knows most recognized causes Know treatment Knows no treatments Knows a few treatments Knows many treatments Knows most major treatments Know what at to implement No clue what to implement A slight clue what to implement Knows many ways to implement Knows most ways to implement
Conclusion To learners with Dyslexia, much of the world is jumble of letters and numbers. With the level of understanding that you now have after completing this Web Quest, you should be an asset to those learners in your district that suffer with this problem. If you have successfully completed this Web Quest, then you realize that dyslexia has multiple ways to show itself, but all can be an embarrassment to the student. More importantly, you will have gained a deeper knowledge of both low tech and high tech classroom adjustments that can be made to combat this problem.