Dyslexia By: Ashley Cifonie
Definition Learning disability with reading, spelling, writing, speaking, or listening. Not a disease. It’s a condition in which a person’s brain learns in a different way from other people.
Symptoms Identifying single words Spelling Handwriting Reading comprehension Mathematics Confusion example: left and right, up and down, morning and night
Treatment There is no single treatment. Treatment methods are designed for each student. Learn hearing, touching, writing, speaking.
How common is dyslexia. 80% of students with LDs have it. 17%-20% of population has dyslexia. Mostly affects boys than girls. Its easier to see boys having it than girls cause they try to hide it.
Is it deadly? No dyslexia is not deadly it is just a problem in the brain that makes learning more difficult.
Can you be tested? There is no single test but there are 10-12 tests for ever area. Ex. Math, English, reading, writing.
Dyslexia is located on chromosome 6 and 15.
Support groups? International dyslexia association All American states Direct learning C.A.N British dyslexia association
Interesting facts Have a much higher incidence of immune disorders Allergies Intestinal tract problems Premature graying High percentage of left-handedness in their families Above average in intelligence Excellent at compensating Runs in families dyslexia is a dominant gene.
Work cited David Newton, Donna Olendorf, Christine Jeryan, Karen Boyden. Sick! Diseases and disorders, injuries and infections volume 2. UXL complete health resource. http://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/dyslexia.htm http://www.pbs.org/parents/readinglanguage/articles/dyslexia/the_facts.html http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_dyslexia_harmful http://www.dys-add.com/testing.html http://www.dyslexia-parent.com/organisations.html http://www.alphabetmats.com/facts.html