IBM Software Group DB2 Utilities Management-Part 2 David R. Schwartz
IBM Software Group DB2 Tools Product Portfolio - Dec 2003 Application Management Administration Tool Object Compare Database Administration Recovery IBM Application Recovery Tool for IMS and DB2 Databases DB2 Archive Log Accelerator DB2 Change Accumulation Tool DB2 Log Analysis Tool DB2 Object Restore Tool Batch Thread Cancel DB2 Bind Manager DB2 Data Archive Expert DB2 Path Checker DB2 Table Editor DB2 Test Database Generator DB2 Web Query Tool IMS and DB2 Encryption Performance Management Performance Manager Bufferpool Analyzer Performance Expert Query Monitor SQL Performance Analyzer Utilities Suite High Performance Unload Automation Tool Utilities Replication Data Propagator Replidata DB2 II Classic Federation for z/OS
IBM Software Group Ensure that the DB2 catalog contains correct information. Support DBA operations on one or many objects. ƒ DB2 Administration Tool ƒ Drill down catalog navigation ƒ Migrate changes between systems ƒ Alter multiple objects in one operation ƒ Operate on single or multiple objects ƒ Manage space of DB2 objects ƒ DB2 Object Comparison Tool ƒ Compare existing objects with definitions ƒ Synchronize objects between systems DB2 Administration Tool DB2 Object Comparison Object Management
IBM Software Group Tools designed for.... DB2 Database Administrators ƒCreate and manage objects ƒManage authorizations to objects ƒDisplay tablespace and index status ƒRun utilities ƒManage Change of DB2 structures DB2 System Administrators ƒDisplay and manage Bufferpools ƒDisplay and update Zparm values ƒDisplay and manage threads, traces and logs DB2 Application Developers ƒDisplay object definition ƒManage plans and packages ƒPrototype SQL ƒCreate test objects
IBM Software Group DB2 Admin Version 7 - GA July, 2005 Satisfies over 40 customer requirements ƒAllow '*' or '%' for wild-carding ƒGRANT authorizations for a user or set of objects ƒNew Primary Commands – BIND/REBIND – STA & STO – REVOKE – MIG ƒEliminate small objects from performance queries ƒFIND capability on table display ƒNew DSP command to show dependent plans/packages ƒNew DSN line command to show data set names ƒShow SQL statement from Explain panels ƒControl of MODIFY in image copy jobs ƒChange Database/Tablespace in ALC ƒetc.
IBM Software Group DB2 Object Compare Version 7 - GA in July, 2005 ƒDrop with Recover ƒSummary report improvements ƒAllow utility options ƒAmend LOAD card statement ƒDefinition of target from source specification ƒBatch interface enhancements ƒEscalate to tablespace for partitioned tables ƒSupport for more ALTER statements
IBM Software Group New Change Management Statement of direction in June Announce ƒChanges are logged - audit of changes possible ƒChanges can be built and deployed later ƒVirtual changes can be built on top of changes not yet deployed ƒChanges can be promoted the next level ƒMeta data now stored in DB2 ƒVersions ƒMasks ƒIgnores ƒCompare will be able to generate target version files automatically
IBM Software Group ƒ DB2 Automation Tool ƒ Creates maintenance jobs when criteria is reached ƒ Set it and forget it philosophy ƒ DB2 Utilities Suite ƒ Complete function utilities ƒ Supports latest level of DB2 ƒ DB2 High Performance Unload ƒ Supports cross-system unload formats ƒ Accepts other unload product's syntax DB2 Automation Tool DB2 Utilities Suite DB2 High Performance Unload Manage DB2 systems with high performance utilities and automation Runstats Repository Object Repository Utility Options Repository Exceptions Repository DB2 Catalog Utility-Job Utility Management
IBM Software Group Automation Tool -- A tool designed for.... DB2 Database Administrators ƒDefine exception criteria for backups (COPY utility) and data organization (REORG utility) Variety of statistics available (catalog, history, RTS) Date/Time Combinatorial ƒGroup like objects together (eg, all tablespaces used by an application) so they can be worked on as a unit ƒFastpath JCL generator for many utilities ƒEasy to use point in time recovery assist DB2 System Administrators ƒManage dataset placement ƒCreate a disaster recovery profile for being able to recover DB2 at a remote site
IBM Software Group Automation Tool V2 GA, June, 2004 Over 20 customer requirements satisfied ƒPoint in time assist for RECOVER generation ƒDisaster Recovery support ƒSupport for more Online REORG parms (drain-wait, etc.) ƒIntelligent use of REUSE on REORG ƒFast backup at the datset level for EMC and IBM DASD ƒTermination of utilities in case of failure ƒAbility to override/specify many system parameters (work device, MAXPRIME, region, primary/secondary values, etc.)
IBM Software Group Automation Tool -- V2.2, March, 2005 Highest priority requirements satisfied ƒSpecify a maximum and minimum number of jobs ƒDISCARD on REORG ƒCOPY to tape or DASD based on size ƒAbility to customize your own JCL skeletons ƒAllow users to add job steps ƒAbility to split REORG into PAUSE followed by CONTINUE
IBM Software Group High Performance Unload V2 Mostly V8 support but includes the following requirements ƒAutomatically generate sequential SYSRECx ƒCreator specification ƒSpecify target table name ƒUser override of output record length ƒBetter integration with DB2 Admin (get SSID on launch) ƒMore compatibility with CA's Fast Unload September, 2004, GA
IBM Software Group Summary Our (DM Tools) strategy gains increased focus on autonomic computing Our database tools have autonomic characteristics today Our database tools will follow the autonomic evolution in an effort to make IT less complex Value statements apply: ƒTools from the database company ƒComprehensive cross-platforms integrated tools with common interfaces ƒImproving customer time to value and total cost of ownership ƒLong term commitment to DB2 and IMS customers IBM Data Management Tools for DB2 on the web /