In Country Pediatric Training for Liberian Doctors Dr. Ellie Graham in consultation with Dr. Bamenla Goka, Director of the Pediatric Section of WACP and Professor of Pediatrics at Korle Bu Hospital, Accra, Ghana
Goal of Pediatric Work in Liberia Develop conditions to end MD “brain drain” Offer a 4 year Pediatric Residency Training Adapted to the conditions and training available in Liberia and West Africa Qualify residents who complete the training to sit for Parts I and II of the West African College of Physician (WACP) Examinations in General Pediatrics.
Core Competencies of the Training Program: Adapt to Liberia Setting Patient Care Medical Knowledge Practice-based Learning and Improvement Interpersonal and Communication Skills Professionalism Systems-based Practice
Pediatric Training to meet the requirements of the WACP curriculum WACP or ABP certified faculty and US peds residents provide teaching/supervision WACP log-book of procedures Develop system of monthly evaluations of Liberian interns and residents
WACP Rotation Requirements Core Clinical Rotations for 3 months each – Newborn, – Emergency Pediatrics – General Pediatrics 3 month rotation in Primary Health Care/School Health Program/Community Pediatrics – collaboration with Ministry of Health 4 subspecialty rotations, 2 months each 8 weeks elective rotations
Subspecialty Rotations (need 4) Pediatric Cardiology Pediatric Nephrology Pediatric Nutrition / Gastroenterology Pediatric Endocrinology and metabolism Pediatric Neurology Pediatric Hematology / Oncology (available in Ghana at Korle Bu Hospital) Pediatric Pulmonary Disease Pediatric Infectious diseases Neonatology (available in Ghana at Korle Bu Hospital)
Elective Rotations (8 weeks) Pediatric surgery (could be available at JFK through a pediatric surgery service that the pediatric team managed) Anesthesia (potentially available at JFK or Redemption) Ophthalmology (possibly available at JFK with Dr. Guizie in eye clinic) Orthorhinolaryngology (ENT) Radiology
Additional Training Not Required by WACP but Desirable for Liberia A Resident Continuity Clinic X 4 years – for normal and medically complex children – 2 half days clinic weekly Health Care Quality Improvement & Health Administration Training X 4-6 mo in 3-4 th yr Research methods training/thesis planning: 4-6 months in 3 rd or 4 th year (thesis is WACP requirement) Chief Residency in 4th year: 4-6 months with focus on teaching skills and preparation for faculty work.
Schedule of Major Trainings and Examinations PL 1 Year (1/20XX) – PALS; Newborn Resuscitation; Basic Science – August Revision/Update Course in Ghana (2 wks – October: Primary Examination of WACP in Ghana PL 2 Year (10/20XX) (Residency officially starts after pass of primary exam) – Begin logbook of WACP after passing the primary exam PL 3 Year: Continue clinical pediatric training
PL 4 Year and Post Residency PL 4 Year: October: Part I of Pediatric Exam of WACP (not eligible until 2 years of training after passing the primary exam) Post Residency: Part II of Pediatric Exam of WACP – Taken 2 years following completion of residency – Defense of research dissertation – If pass, eligible to be a Fellow of WACP – Typically employed as a clinic or hospital medical director
Time Line and Commitment By 2011, establish an accredited program In 6 years the first graduates could sit for Part II of the WACP examinations in Pediatrics When they pass: Liberian Pediatric Fellows of WACP Liberian core of the faculty in Pediatrics Major commitment for volunteer faculty from the US would be at least 10 years.
Steps to Establish Residency Buy-In and financial support from Ministry of Health, Medical School, JFK and Redemption Hospital admin and HEARTT (? World Bank) Hire a Director of Pediatrics Continuous US Pediatric Faculty/Residents Recruit 2-3 Liberian resident candidates Rotations of core pediatric subspecialist faculty Apply to WACP for accreditation of a pediatric training program (site visit within 2 mos; can be provisional for first 1-2 years)