World Population and Geography
The world has approximately 7.28 billion people. (Why use the word, approximately, when describing the Earth’s population? Which fundamental idea is shown here?)
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China- 1.4 billion India- 1.3 billion The USA – 323 million Indonesia – 253 million Brazil – 202 million
With the study of demography… Demographers study and describe groups of people who populate the Earth. Join me in studying the Earth’s demography….
Create this T chart: My World’s People Imagine that you could shrink the world’s population to one hundred people. Facts about the world’s people that surprise me Facts that I would like to see improved
Food Employment Fuel Space (Housing) Clean Water Clean Air Medicine Education
Exponential Population Growth is a constant rate of population growth applied to an increasing population base. (Watch the following population growth video to see exponential growth…)
World population milestones (USCB estimates) Population (in billions) Year Years elapsed –– World population milestones (USCB estimates) How has the rate of population growth changed since 1800?
The J Curve is a graphic that shows our world’s recent prolonged exponential growth of human population. A J Curve is used to show our world’s population growth throughout history…
Birth of Machines-Increased Food Production Invention of Medicines/Vaccinations Improved Sanitation
Shortages of: ◦ Land ◦ Fuel ◦ Food
Population Pyramid is useful in viewing a country’s present and future population distribution.
Eastern and Southern Asia Europe North central and Northeastern USA What do these areas share in common? ◦ Northern Hemisphere ◦ Middle Latitude
People in the USA are among the world’s greatest migrators. We move on the average every six years. Migration also involves moving from one country to another. ◦ Emigrate-to leave your homeland for a new country. ◦ Immigrate- to enter a new homeland
Few people live in ◦ Cold areas and high latitudes ◦ Deserts ◦ High mountains ◦ Areas of thick vegetation (central Africa and the Amazon area of South America)
Looking Forward to your Future…
No. Let’s define Overpopulation ◦ Overpopulation occurs when the space or food supply is less than the number of people an area can accommodate.
We use the term, Carrying Capacity to measure the quality of an area’s population density. Carrying Capacity the maximum population that an area can support without permanently destroying its environment. If a place exceeds its carrying capacity…it is overcrowded !
Sustainability! What is that? ◦ Sustainability is the ability to continue or endure…to maintain the earth’s geography. hj0 hj0
1.Reduce use of fossil fuels and heavy metals. 2.Reduce use of harmful chemicals. 3.Reduce nature’s destruction. 4. Ensure that we are not preventing people from meeting their survival needs.
Live on Earth responsibly. Rely on the use of technological improvements. Embrace lifestyle changes. Provide sufficient resources for future generations. Lower our carbon footprint by fifty percent is a goal of sustainability.
Scary Scenes in storyHow was sustainability brought to the kingdom?
Population Pyramid Exponential Demography J Curve Emigrate Immigrate Carrying Capacity Sustainability Innovation Overpopulation Carbon Footprint Technology Natural Resource Interdependence