Operating the JH-15 SDR radio Now that you have downloaded and installed the JH-15, it is time to setup the radio for easy operation. Begin this process by starting the dsdplus program. If you setup a shortcut on your desktop then click to start. If you did not set up a desktop icon, then navigate to the folder where the DSD+ resides in the C:? drive. Click open the DSDplus application. It should be the top file in the folder. Please note that you should add to desktop for easier access. Once started you should see four windows open. Minimize all windows except the command prompt window shown in the next slide.
Operating the JH-15 SDR radio
Operating the JH-15 SDR radio The first arrow lists all the input devices available on your computer. The next arrow lists all the output devices available on your computer For DSDplus you need the third arrow to default to INPUT VB CABLE and the output to your audio preference OUTPUT Speakers, Headphones or Soundcard audio out. If this is not the configuration you see you can set them to default in your sound control panel option. If this interferes with other programs you use then you have to manually set the DSDplus program to those defaults.
Operating the JH-15 SDR radio To manually set up the default audio settings you need a command prompt window. Close the DSDPlus program and then do the manual command prompt startup. You can get this by START - RUN - CMD or go to your accessories or widows system files and find CMD. Make a shortcut to your desktop Your DSD Plus file is located in C:? Drive, so you type cd C:\dsd plus and hit enter. You are now in the DSD Plus folder. Now type DSDplus and hit enter. Make a note of the number for Input VB Cable and output to your preferred sound system default. Turn off the DSDPlus program by hitting Esc on your keyboard Now type DSDPlus –I immediately followed by the VB cable option number then –O immediately followed by the sound out option number
Operating the JH-15 SDR radio So it should look something like this: DSDPlus –I2 –O3 Then hit enter and see that the screen indicates the correct recording input and audio out put selections Again you will see four windows. Minimize all but the command window. Great! Now you have started the digital decoding program to decode the broadcasts sent in digital mode. Now open your HDSDR program from your desktop or exe file in the HDSDR file folder. We will focus for now on one radio. When you open the program you will see the screen on the next slide. Take a moment to look at all the buttons and screens. Get familiar with what they are.
HDSDR Settings Step by step 1. Click the EXTIO button. (it should be lit up light blue over the dark blue of the FrqMngr button above it) 2. DEVICE: Both your radios should be there (1 and 2) If not you did not install ZADIG correctly. Find radio one and make sure it’s selected. 3. SETTINGS: Direct Sampling Disabled- Sample Rate 1.2 Msps –Buffer size 16 kB – Tuner Gain check Tuner AGC only
HDSDR Settings Soundcard settings are both set to VB Cable in RX in and out. Ignore the TX side Bandwidth should be set to 48000 for demonstration purposes Make sure you have selected FM located above the Frequency Numerical Display Select your frequency by following the directions on next slide
HDSDR Settings Tuning to specific frequencies can be done several ways. 1. add a starter to your FrqMngr. Select USER1. This is where you should add your favorites as you discover your specific area signals Located at the bottom is where you enter your data. Ex: Name P25 Frequency LO 851000000 (851 MHz) Frequency Tune 851000000. Then select FM select “add”
HDSDR Settings CLICK THE START BUTTON. Please note your waterfall and spectrum windows should now be visible and running. Use your mouse wheel inside the spectrum window and roll the mouse wheel away to advance up and back to decrease frequency settings. Now you should start searching for local strong signals in P25 or DMR modes. Strong signals should look like these When you find one make sure you adjust the bandwidth to cover the whole frequency width.
HDSDR Settings The Slider bar will expand the bandwidth to fit your frequency transmission. Once you lock in you should begin to hear decoded signals through your audio. The DSDPlus screen should begin running coded lines identifying what kind of signal you are monitoring.
HDSDR Settings Sample P25 C4FM in QPSK digital data signal
HDSDR Settings When you find signal you should check both analog and digital modes. This is easily done by going to the soundcard button, open the window and change the RX output back and forth from VB Cable (digital) to your Soundcard Speakers headphones setting. (analog) You can begin to get famililiar with what digital signals sound like in analog mode.
CONTACT Start exploring the Jade Helm Radio and signals in your vicinity. Please contact PATRIOTWAVES if you need support and some assistance. The website will begin adding other products and information to help JH15 owners with antenna boost and other program instructions for better experience. Please do not hesitate to call toll free (888) 357-1254 ext. 804