SKIES Data Entry Instructions for WIA Entrepreneurial Training
Ensuring Self-Employment (Entrepreneurial Training) is Captured SB 6289 (Self Employment Training) requires 4 SKIES elements: 1.WIA Program Enrollment - Entrepreneurial Training, Service ID Creation of a Service Plan a)Services Plan Goal, Self Employment must be marked “yes” OR the Goal Justification must include “Self Employment” AND 3.Follow-up service “SELF EMPLOYED Q1 AFTER EXIT” must be entered, AND 4.Program Completion Outcome must be “SELF EMPLOYMENT”
WIA Program Pre-Enrollment All required elements must be completed in the General, Additional, and Program Data tabs. (Job Seeker->Core Services->Basic) -For more info, visit the WIA SKIES User Manual:
WIA Program Enrollment Enrollment, Applicant Status
WIA Program Enrollment Enrollment, Validation Program
WIA Program Enrollment Enrollment, Final Step:
Setup a Service Plan Goal set in Desired Employment Tab Justification is “Self- Employment” Click “Yes” for self- employment goal
Enter the Follow-Up Service Choose “FOLLOW- UP SERVICES” Select “SELF- EMPLOYED Q1 AFTER EXIT” Actual start & end dates must be during the exit quarter. In case notes staff must document the self-employment details including the type, name, and address of the business, if available. This follow up service must be captured prior to the end of the quarter after exit.
Program Closing Select “EXITED PROGRAM” Select “SELF EMPLOYMENT”
Common Measures If these instructions are followed, your participants will be captured properly for the Entered Employment measure. “SELF-EMPLOYED Q2” & “SELF-EMPLOYED Q3” are required to document for the Common Measure Retention Rate measure but not for Average Earnings.