What Every Parent Needs To Know About the Transition to STAAR
A new vertical state system Legislation requires a system of performance standards that are linked from grade to grade, starting with postsecondary-readiness performance standards down through grade 3 2
New Test – New Opportunities 3
We have been down this path before! And each time we needed a little time to learn the new system. And each test added a new layer of rigor and a new set of expectations for our students and for our teachers. And each time we have succeeded! And we will again… 4
5 Let’s look at the tests our kids took before STAAR.
One Step: 1.Fewest barrels TABS Exit Level Math Texas Assessment of Basic Skills
Two Steps: 1.Find point on graph 2.Multiply 30 pupils x $300 = $9,000 TEAMS Exit Level Math Texas Educational Assessment of Minimum Skills
Three Steps: 1.Find paper on pie chart 2.Divide tons of paper by total tons: 72/180 3.Convert to 40% TAAS Exit Level Math Texas Assessment of Academic Skills
Five Steps: 1.Add all votes = 1,200 2.Determine which student finished 3 rd (Bridget: 240 votes) 3.Determine Bridget’s %age of votes 240 / 1,200 = 20% 4.Know that a pie chart has 360 total degrees 5.Determine 20% of 360 degrees:.20 x 360 = 72 TAKS Exit Level Math Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
Five Steps: 1.The student must know how to apply the quadratic formula to find the value of the discrimant b²-4ac 2.Find quadratic equation on formula chart: 3.If b² - 4ac > 0 there are two real number roots of the equation and the graph of the parabola crosses the x-axis at those roots 4.If b² - 4ac = 0 there is a “multiple” or repeated root of the equation and the vertex of the graph of the parabola touches the x-axis at that root. 5. If b² - 4ac < 0 the roots of the equation are imaginary numbers and the graph of the parabola does not intersect the x-axis STAAR Exit Level Math? State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 2012-? 10
What do we know about STAAR? Will begin in – Grades 3 through 8 – First year 9 th graders – Repeating 9 th, 10 th and 11 th graders will still remain on TAKS through graduation 11
What do we know about STAAR in HS? At the HS, STAAR assessments will be called STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) Exams STAAR will shift the goal from HS Graduation to College and Career Readiness Will impact grades, credits, and graduation
Phase-out of TAKS and Phase-in of EOC
Grades 3-8 Reading – Gr. 3-8 Math – Gr. 3-8 Writing – Gr. 4 & 7 Science – Gr. 5 & 8 Soc. Studies – Gr. 8 High School COURSES MathEnglishScienceSoc Studies Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Eng I Engl II Eng III Biology Chemistry Physics World Geo. World Hist. U.S. History The high school level STAAR tests are COURSE tests, NOT grade level tests What tests will students have to take?
What did TAKS ask? Did our students learn what they were supposed to learn in their current grade or course? 17
What does STAAR ask? – Did our students learn what they were supposed to learn in their current grade or course? – Are they ready for the next grade or course? – And the one after that? 18
What’s tested on STAAR? The TEKS - the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills – Readiness standards: – 30-35% of the assessed curriculum / 60-65% of the STAAR test – Supporting standards – 60-65% of the assessed curriculum / 30-35% of the STAAR test – Process Standards – the skills – assessed with other standards (Ex: map skills, math tools, problem- solving)
Readiness vs. Supporting
What does rigor mean? 22 STAAR will be significantly more “rigorous” than TAKS
What does “more rigorous” mean? The questions are more complex and require more thinking. What is most important for a student to learn in a grade level will have more questions on the test. The test will be longer.
STAAR is a longer test… Math Gr = +6 questions Reading 3-8 = +4 questions Writing = +1 additional composition Science= +4 questions Social Studies Gr 8 = +4 questions EOC = +2 to 13 questions 24
26 Will there really be a difference? TAKS Item – Algebra I A.1(E) – interpret and made decisions, predictions, and critical judgments from functional relationships READINESS
Will there really be a difference? STAAR Item – Algebra I A.1(E) – interpret and made decisions, predictions, and critical judgments from functional relationships READINESS
Differences TAKS Item – Biology – assessed in 10 th grade B.4(B) investigate and identify cellular processes including homeostasis, permeability, energy production, transportation of molecules, disposal of wastes, function of cellular parts, and synthesis of new molecules
Differences STAAR Item – Biology – B.4(B)
Differences Biology and World Geography were never assessed in the ninth grade. More Rigorous Items – Assessing content and skills at a greater depth and higher level of cognitive complexity – Assessing more than one standard in an item More Rigorous Test – Assessing standards multiple times – Includes a greater number of rigorous items which increases the overall test difficulty – Increased performance standards (higher passing levels)
Differences World Geography G.7A Supporting Standard G.21A Process Standard
English I Schematic – Day 1
English I Schematic – Day 2
What will it take to pass STAAR? Students will have to get more items correct than on TAKS. The passing standard will first be established for English III and Algebra II – Linked to college readiness – Linked by grade level down to 3 rd grade 34
STAAR... some changes Time limits – All STAAR assessments Grade 3 through EOC will have a four hour time limit 35
What about tests for students served in special education? Accommodations will be allowed on STAAR, but have not yet been defined or clarified. STAAR Modified will be available for students who meet the criteria. STAAR Alternate will be available for students who have significant cognitive disabilities. 36
STAAR Standards Beginning with Freshmen in , the graduation requirement will be STAAR End-of-course
Graduation Requirements TAKS 10 Exams while in HS – 4 stand alone exams 26 credits STAAR 15 Exams – 2 stand alone – English III and Algebra II – Cumulative Score in Each Subject (15 exams in 12 contents) Minimum floors on every exam In subjects never tested before (Alg II, Physics, WG, Bio, etc.) Higher rigor, higher standards Longer tests, 4 hour time limit – Distinguished graduates Advanced performance on Alg II & English III 26 credits tied to 15%
Cumulative Average STAAR Step 1: Obtain a cumulative passing score or higher (All graduation plans) High school students will earn four cumulative scores -- math, science, English and social studies -- based on their performance on each individual EOC exam. A student’s cumulative score is determined using the student’s highest score on each EOC assessment. To graduate, a student must achieve a cumulative score in each content area equal or greater than the TEA passing standard multiplied by the number of assessments taken. (cumulative score ≥ passing scale score x number of assessments taken)
Cumulative – Overview If the passing standard on each of the three science EOC assessments happens to be set at 1000, then – the student’s cumulative score ≥ 1000 x 3 – the student’s cumulative score ≥ 3000 For a single EOC score to count toward the student’s cumulative score, a minimum score must be achieved. However, achieving only the minimum score on the EOC assessments will not meet the cumulative passing standard.
Cumulative – Overview Individual Exam: – Possible = 1000 – Passing ≥ 700 – Minimum ≥ 600 – Level III – Advanced ≥ 850 Cumulative for Math ≥ 2100 – Algebra I – Geometry – Algebra II
Cumulative Examples Student 1: – Algebra – Geometry – 710 – Algebra II – 690 – Cumulative Total = 2050 NO GRADUATION!
Cumulative Examples Student 2: – Algebra – Geometry – 750 – Algebra II – 760 – Cumulative Total = 2100 NO GRADUATION!
Cumulative Examples Student 4 – Wants to be a Recommended Graduate: – Algebra – Geometry – 740 – Algebra II – 695 – Cumulative Total = 2170 Minimum Plan - RETEST
Cumulative Examples Student 4 – Wants to be a Distinguished Graduate: – Algebra – Geometry – 870 – Algebra II – 835 – Cumulative Total = 2590 GRADUATION! Recommended Plan
Legislation Regarding EOC Texas Education Code (c) – A school district…shall adopt a policy that requires a student’s performance on an end-of- course assessment instrument in which the student is enrolled to account for 15 percent of the student’s final grade for the course.
School Board Policy EIA – When required by state law, a student’s score on the initial end-of-course assessment shall count for 15 percent of the student’s final grade as reported on the student’s transcript
Retakes A student may retake an EOC at any time according to the state testing schedule. Students will retake an EOC exam until a minimum score is obtained. Retakes of the EOC will only be applied to the final grade for the first attempt (July) if they allow the student to gain credit for the course.
Course Credit In courses where students are required to take an EOC exam, students may earn 0.5 credits for any semester where a 70% or higher is earned. However, students must earn a yearly average score (final grade) equal to or greater than 70% in order to earn 1.0 credit for the course: Fall Sem Grade Spring Sem Grade EOC GradeCredit Earned 70%60% 0.5 Fall 60%70%60%0.5 Spring 70% 60%0.5 Fall* *student loses spring credit because final average was not over 70%
Conversion Model A conversion model will be developed by school staff. It will likely be on a 100 point scale. – Multiple options are being created across the state – GPISD will finalize and share the conversion model that will be applied when standards are set in February 2012
Class Rank and GPA Concerns Uncertainty of new/unknown exam (evidenced by TEA’s phase-in standards) Impact of future legislative action Impact of students transferring from other districts with different conversion scales No statewide conversion model – impact of others on college admissions Impact of the cohort phase-in model (GPA’s based on exams with different performance standards) Would necessitate inclusion of high school coursework taken at MS be included in the GPA
Class Rank and GPA Current policy calculates GPA using semester averages and not from the final average that will include EOC scores. The EOC committee has recommended to maintain this process for GPA calculation. Example: (Fall Semester + Spring + 15% = Final Grade
MS and EOC Courses Last years 8 th graders who took the Algebra I EOC: – Students would not be required to take that EOC assessment – their cumulative score would decrease. – Students could choose to take that EOC assessment in Spring 2012 or beyond. If they take the assessment, the score would only be used in their cumulative if it benefited the student.
MS and EOC Courses Current 8 th grade students – Will take STAAR EOC required courses (Alg I) – Will take STAAR enrolled grade test (STAAR grade 8 math) – Their EOC will count for their cumulative math average for graduation – Their EOC will count as 15% of their final grade and credit will not be granted unless the final average including EOC is 70% or higher
Where can I find more information? GPISD Website: Departments – Curriculum and Assessment TEA Website Teacher Websites