PRIA – Sydney – 16 September 2005 How to Lock-in Your Clients Ross Dawson CEO, Advanced Human Technologies Author, Living Networks and Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships
Where business is going...
The weightless economy Source: US DoC; Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
Knowledge depreciates!
We’ve come a long way
Work processes span organisations
“Finite players play within boundaries; infinite players play with boundaries” - James Carse
Blurring the boundaries with your client
How do your clients treat you?
Leading your clients
Information and knowledge
Types of services Black-box : client receives an outcome, but is left none the wiser: readily commoditised and little scope for client interaction Knowledge-based: client and professional collaborate, integrate their specialist knowledge, develop mutual knowledge: far greater value, and drives interaction and a strong relationship
Innovation in client relationships
Creating happy accidents
It’s a small world...
High school dating
The pervasive power law
Moving to the centre of the network
Spanning boundaries
Client relationships are networks
Cultural propagation
Media visionary
Coping with the onslaught
Finding the best
Mapping the blogosphere Personal Pundits Topic specialists New media
The variety of media
How to lock-in your clients
Are you an energiser?
Online resources “Dawson has pulled off the nigh-impossible: improved on what was already a terrific book. Even more than before, this is essential reading for professional service firms.” - David Maister, author, Managing the Professional Service Firm Free chapters, downloads and commentary at: “For many professional firms, there is no bigger challenge than deepening their relationships with key clients. In this arena, Ross Dawson is a master and his book, for those prepared to study and change, can provide off-the-shelf competitive advantage.” - Prof. Richard Susskind OBE, author, The Future of Law “Ross Dawson was the first among the world’s business thought leaders to pursue the intersection of knowledge and client relationships in professional services. No matter what your business… you’ll find this book useful.” - Thomas Davenport, Professor and Director of Resarch, Babson College, and author of What’s the Big Idea?
Lead your clients into the future!
Rapid breeding
Mirroring your client