1 Dr Reinhard Schulte-Braucks Head GMES Unit, DG ENTR, EC The role of Copernicus in Promoting the European Economy Geospatial World Forum Rotterdam, 16.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Reinhard Schulte-Braucks Head GMES Unit, DG ENTR, EC The role of Copernicus in Promoting the European Economy Geospatial World Forum Rotterdam, 16 May, 2013

New name Copernicus: The new name for GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) 2

Outline Copernicus – an introduction Copernicus – an introduction Specific service applications Specific service applications Key activities in 2013 Key activities in 2013 Cost-Benefit analysis Cost-Benefit analysis Data policy Data policy 3

Outline 4

Copernicus – an introduction Copernicus – an introduction A source of information for policymakers, scientists, businesses and the public at large A source of information for policymakers, scientists, businesses and the public at large A European response to global needs to manage the environment, and to ensure civil security A European response to global needs to manage the environment, and to ensure civil security A user-driven programme of services A user-driven programme of services An integrated Earth Observation system of systems (combining space-based and in-situ data with Earth System Models and services) An integrated Earth Observation system of systems (combining space-based and in-situ data with Earth System Models and services) 5

SENTINELS – satellite missions developed by ESA specifically for Copernicus SENTINELS – satellite missions developed by ESA specifically for Copernicus Contributing missions – satellite missions built for purposes other than Copernicus but offering part of their capacity to Copernicus (Member States, EUMETSAT, commercial operators) Contributing missions – satellite missions built for purposes other than Copernicus but offering part of their capacity to Copernicus (Member States, EUMETSAT, commercial operators) Managed for Europe by the European Space Agency (ESA) Managed for Europe by the European Space Agency (ESA) Copernicus Space Infrastructure The primary source of observational data 6

Outline 7

Copernicus Operational Services Land Marine Atmosphere Emergency Climate Change Security Services monitoring Earth systems Horizontal services  Output: Value-Added Services 8

Volcano Eyjafjallaj ö kull case Volcanic discharge analysed using satellite data complemented by in-situ measurements 9

Emergency Response Reference maps Pre-disaster situation maps Reference maps Post-disaster situation maps Reference maps Disaster response maps 10 The quality of the Emergency Management Service response will critically depend on the presence of freely available in-situ reference data from the country affected by the emergency

Outline 11

Copernicus evolution 12

Outline 13

Copernicus funding from MFF ( ): Copernicus funding from MFF ( ): €3.8 Bn (i.e. an average of €541 Mio per year) €3.8 Bn (i.e. an average of €541 Mio per year) Cost per EU inhabitant will be ~€1.07 per year Cost per EU inhabitant will be ~€1.07 per year Expected minimum financial benefit by 2030 is ~€29.4 Bn Expected minimum financial benefit by 2030 is ~€29.4 Bn For every €1 spent we get a return of ~€3.2 For every €1 spent we get a return of ~€3.2 An estimated 48,000 jobs will be created An estimated 48,000 jobs will be created 14 Cost-Benefit analysis

Using a system dynamics model, the FeliX model 1), cumulative benefits could increase further by a factor of between 5 and 10 Using a system dynamics model, the FeliX model 1), cumulative benefits could increase further by a factor of between 5 and 10 This could lead to benefits by 2030 in the order of €200 Bn This could lead to benefits by 2030 in the order of €200 Bn So Copernicus will result in benefits many times larger than the EU investment So Copernicus will result in benefits many times larger than the EU investment 1) The FeliX - Full of Economic-Environment Linkages and Integration dX/dt - system dynamics model takes into account the complex relationships between natural and socio-economic systems 15 Cost-Benefit analysis

Outline 16

The EC has been assigned the responsibility to draft a Delegated Act on Copernicus Data & Information Policy The EC has been assigned the responsibility to draft a Delegated Act on Copernicus Data & Information Policy Wide consultations have taken place with experts and the user community Wide consultations have taken place with experts and the user community Realisation of the predicted benefits is dependent on an appropriate data policy Realisation of the predicted benefits is dependent on an appropriate data policy 17 Data policy

Data from Sentinel satellites and Copernicus services will be available on a free, full and open basis Data from Sentinel satellites and Copernicus services will be available on a free, full and open basis The only access restrictions will be those associated with sensitive security scenarios The only access restrictions will be those associated with sensitive security scenarios Extensive data from contributing missions will be made available under the licensing conditions of the owner Extensive data from contributing missions will be made available under the licensing conditions of the owner 18 Data policy

A 'level playing field' is being created, maximising the potential for benefits to be generated A 'level playing field' is being created, maximising the potential for benefits to be generated Now it is for European industry to exploit this unique resource to the maximum extent possible Now it is for European industry to exploit this unique resource to the maximum extent possible 19 Conclusions

Web: Facebook: Copernicus EU 20