A LTERNATIVE P ROTEIN FROM P LANT F OODS Also known as ‘novel foods’ Sources-plant foods & micro-organisms SOYA BEANS NutrientExplanation Protein 74% HBV even though it is a vegetable protein food. Little of methionine Fat Unsaturated fat Contains polyunsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid Carbohydrate Starch & fibre Vitamins Soya beans - B group Minerals Soya beans - calcium & iron (non-haem) Water Only 14%
D IETETIC V ALUE /C ONTRIBUTION TO THE DIET Dietetic Value Soya beans are high in protein & low in saturated fat, therefore suitable for all age groups They contain polyunsaturated fat, which helps to reduce cholesterol, and are suitable for those on low-cholesterol/low- kilocalorie diets Soya beans are a nutritionally good meat alternative, so ideal for vegetarians Economic Value Many different soya products are available Easy to use Can be used in a wide variety of dishes
Examples of Soya foods Textured Vegetable Protein Tofu - made from soya milk, this is a soya bean curd which can be smoked/marinated Tempeh – a chewy, fermented soya bean ‘cake’ Miso – a soy bean paste used in stews & soups Soya Sauce Soya Milk – made from soya beans, it is a dairy milk alternative
S OYA F OODS TempehMisoSoya Sauce TofuTVP Soya Milk
TEXTURED VEGETABLE PROTEIN Buying TVP: TVP can be bought in dehydrated form Storing TVP: Store in a cool, dry place Cooking TVP: 1. Follow the instructions on the packaging 2. Place in water for between minutes 3. Once it has been reconstituted it can be used like meat 4. Make the dish in the usual way 5. Use with meat to bulk up the meal 6. Use with meat substitute in dishes with strong flavours, e.g. Bolognese sauce, curries.
MANUFACTURE OF TEXTURED VEGETABLE PROTEIN 1 Oil is extracted from the soya beans 2 Soya beans are ground into flour 3 Carbohydrates are removed. Only protein remains. 4 Oil, flavouring & additives are added 5 The mixture is heated,extruded through a nozzel into a reduced pressure environment in order to get the correct texture. 6 It is dehydrated to make cubes or mince 7 TVP is fortified with cobalamin (Vitamin B12) & packaged for sale
OTHER PLANT SOURCES OF PROTEIN Seitan (wheat protein) This is made from gluten & is available in health stores Ground nuts & cotton seeds – after oil is extracted a protein-rich residue remains Grass – concentrated protein can be extracted
ALTERNATIVE PROTEIN FROM MICRO- ORGANISMS MYCOPROTEIN NutrientExplanation Protein HBV similar to meat Methionine, an essential amino acid less than meat Fat Mycoprotein is low in saturated fat Carbohydrate Mycoprotein contains fibre Vitamins B group Minerals Zinc & iron(non-haem) Water Low water content in mycoprotein
MANUFACTURE OF MYCOPROTEIN 1 Derived from the mycelium of the fungus Fusarium graminearum 2 These fungus cell are grown in a sterilised fermenter to provide the correct environment for the growth of mycoprotein 3 + Oxygen, glucose & nitrogen. + Potassium, magnesium & phosphate 4 The temperature in the fermenter is 65 ̊ C 5 The cells are removed from the fermenter - the mixture(mycelia) is then harvested.
6 Filtered in huge centrifuges. The mycelia are bound together with egg albumin 7 The harvested product absorbs a wide variety of colours & flavourings 8 Textured similar to meat 9 Prepared according to the cut required(sliced, diced or shredded) 10 Quorn is suitable for vegetarians but not for vegans, contains a little egg white