The Expansion of Slavery and Anti-Slavery
I. 4 Common Myths About Slavery Middle School Interpretation of Slavery: North = Good South = Bad Blacks = Victims
A. All northerners were against slavery.
B. There were no slaves in the North
Slavery in the North
C. All white southerners owned slaves.
D. All blacks in the South were slaves. Census Year # Slaves # Free blacks Total black % free blacks ,68159,527757,2087.9% ,602108,4351,002, % 18101,191,362186,4461,377, % 18201,538,022233,6341,771, % 18302,009,043319,5992,328, % 18402,487,355386,2932,873, % 18503,204,313434,4953,638, % 18603,953,760488,0704,441, % ,880, %
II. The Early Anti-Slavery Movement (1770s-1830)
A. Expectations of Slavery’s Demise: The Declaration of Independence, Gradual Emancipation, No More Slave Imports (1807) 1780 Pennsylvania Law: “That all Persons, as well Negroes, and Mulattos, as others, who shall be born within this State, from and after the Passing of this Act, shall not be deemed and considered as Servants for Life or Slaves;” “Every Negroe and Mulatto Child born within this State who have been born a Servant for Years or life or a Slave, shall be deemed to be and shall be the Servant of such person until such Child shall attain unto the Age of twenty eight Years.”
B. But Slavery Persists & Expands (The Cotton Gin, New Lands, Natural Reproduction)
C. The American Colonization Society: Anti-Slavery & Racist (1820s)
III. The Growth of the Anti-Slavery Movement (1830s) A. The 2 nd Great Awakening & Slavery as Sin
B. Organizing Against Slavery: 1. With Words: William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, and the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS)
2. With Violence: Nat Turner’s Revolt
3. With Politics: The Liberty Party
Presidential candidate Party Popular vote Electoral vote CountPct William H. Harrison Whig1,275, %234 Martin Van Buren Democrat1,128, %60 James Birney Liberty6,7970.3%0
IV. Slaveowners Defend Slavery A.With Words: -- The bible --Ancient tradition -- Race/racism -- “Wage Slavery” in the north
B. With Laws The Post Office Prohibits Anti-Slavery Propaganda Congress “Tables” Anti- Slavery Petitions (Gag Rule)
C. With Violence: The Case of Elijah Lovejoy