1 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) was designated by the governments of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to be the centre of excellence for the development of policy, technical research and the mobilization of financial and other resources to address climate change and related matters within the community.
2 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The CCCCC is based in Belize and was charged with the development of policies, strategies and measures to address mitigation and adaptation to climate change in CARICOM. The related technology transfer information initiatives and actions were included in this mandate.
3 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The CCCCC through its information technology activities (website hosting, etc.) was to be a regional node as part of the UNFCCC technology information transfer and public education and outreach (under Article 6) clearing house mechanism.
4 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The CCCCC as a regional node of the technology information network would be better able to provide data and information to its clients. The data and information provided would be guided by the needs of the clients. UNFCCC and other support will be pursued to help us in the process.
5 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The CCCCC would focus its attention more on the content of the network rather than on the technology used in operating the network. The network will proactively try to deliver information to clients, especially national governments, leading to policy changes in preparing the region to effectively adapt to CC.
6 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The CPACC regional project, based in Barbados, developed and populated a website on climate change for and to support practitioners and clients within the public and private sectors of the CARICOM. The website was leased/rented from and hosted by a private company in Barbados. The follow-on project Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change (MACC) was to inherit the website and associated resources to be used as part of its support for the CCCCC.
7 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres MACC, a GEF funded project, was being executed by the CARICOM Secretariat (CCS) with the World Bank (WB) as implementing agency, was based in the CCCCC in Belize. The IT and website functions of the MACC project were under its Public Education and Outreach component and was to build on and implement the regional and national PEO strategies developed under the CPACC.
8 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The website and its functions continued to be physically managed and operated from Barbados instead of at the CCCCC in Belize. The MACC and CCCCC roles were to be that of supplying data and information for uploading in Barbados. This was unacceptable the MACC and the CCCCC as control over quality and administration was lost.
9 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The technological and qualitative transformation of the site to enable it to fulfill the role of a regional node in line with the UNFCCC SBSTA guidelines was not being achieved within the existing framework. It was not able to provide access to and exchange of climate sensitive information and technologies to climate change practitioners and clients within and outside the CARICOM.
10 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres Sometime late in 2005 to early 2006 it was reported that the website had “crashed” and all the information and data was lost. It was not clear what happened to the backups but attempts to revive and re-populate the site seemed beset by technical problems. The site had not been revived up to August 2006 when the mid-term review of the project was conducted.
11 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The WB and the CCS conducted the mid-term review of the MACC and both agreed to transfer the executing agency function for the MACC project from the CCS to the CCCCC. The transition process is about to be finalized following agreement from all the participating governments of the CARICOM. The executing agency role of the CCCCC is in line with that being performed for other CC related projects supported by the WB and other development partners.
12 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The MACC/CCCCC has established a new website, which came on line in February The rights and ownership of the original site name, belongs to the private company and was not available to the CCCCC. The new site is owned and located within the CCCCC thus allowing for administrative, technical and editorial control.
13 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The CCCCC will develop and manage the site to perform the functions of a regional node in the UNFCCC network by providing and exchanging climate friendly data and information to and with the Caribbean professionals, practitioners and the public-at-large as well as cooperators and partners beyond the Caribbean boundaries.
14 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The MACC/CCCCC works with a number of technical partners and will establish linkages to exchange and disseminate data and information from and with them
15 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres Some of the technical partners generating information and data for the MACC/CCCCC include NOAA, Center for Marine Sciences (UWI), Caribbean Emergency Disaster Response Agency, Climate Studies Group (UWI), Department of Survey and Land Information (UWI), CERMES (UWI)…
16 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres MACC/CCCCC will provide access to data and information to our clients: National governments though their NFPs, ministries and departments, etc. NGOs and private sector agencies Knowledge based institutions The public-at-large and outside agencies
17 CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE (CCCCC) Participation in the UNFCCC Pilot Network on Technology Information Centres The site is now being re-populated with data and information retrieved physically from individuals and organizations in the countries associated with the previous projects and activities. Towards this end the CCCCC has commenced initiatives aimed at re-establishing linkages with the UNFCCC process that would allow it to access the financial resources that were allocated but never accessed to carry out this function.