Farm Animals By: Kirstie Bailey Next
Audience Kindergarten Average Student Middle class, urban community Study guide/interactive practice Next
Environment One-on-one with a parent or teacher As a whole class On a computer or projector For spare time in school, for practice at home, or for class activity Next
Objective Animal Sounds Students will be able to tell what sounds each of the 3 farm animals presented (a cow, horse, chicken) make when given the sounds to listen to matching a picture and after taking the three question quiz with 100% accuracy. Next
Objective Animal’s Baby Names Students will be able to tell 3 farm animal’s baby names after given the 3 names and taking the three question quiz with 100% accuracy Next
Objective Animal Purpose on Farm Students will be able to identify what 3 farm animals role on the farm is after given the facts and taking the three question quiz with 100% accuracy Next
Farm Animal Sounds, Baby Names, and Purpose on the Farm Next
Which category would you like to review? Animal Sounds Animal Baby Names Animal Purpose on the Farm
Animal Sounds Next
Orientation Animal Sounds There are many different sounds animals make and they can be identified by noise. Lets learn about a few farm animals distinct sound! Next
Title Start Animal Sounds Back to Home Page
Directions Animal Sounds Read all slides carefully and make sure you understand the information. At the end of the section complete the short quiz to test your understanding. Continue
Cow Next
The sound a cow makes is “moo” *Cow sound clip* Next
Chicken Next
The sound a chicken makes is “cluck” *chicken sound clip* Next
Horse Next
The sound a horse makes is “neigh” *horse sound clip* Next
Application Animal Sounds *horse sound clip* *chicken sound clip* *cow sound clip* Next
Animal Sounds-Quiz Directions: Read each question carefully and select the best answer. Begin
1. What sound does a chicken make? “moo” *sound clip* “cluck” *sound clip* “neigh” *sound clip* A) B) C)
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Correct Great Job! Next
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2. What sound does a horse make? A) “neigh” *sound clip* B) “cluck” *sound clip* C) “moo” *sound clip* A) B) C)
Correct Great Job! Next
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Sorry, Incorrect. Go back and try again. Back
3. What sound does a cow make? A) “neigh” *sound clip* B) “moo” *sound clip* C) “cluck” *sound clip* A) B) C)
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Correct Great Job! Next
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Congratulations! You have completed the quiz for animal sounds. Start Animal Sound Section Over Back to Home Page
Farm Animal Sounds, Baby Names, and Purpose on the Farm Next
Which category would you like to review? Animal Sounds Animal Baby Names Animal Purpose on the Farm
Animal Baby Names Next
Orientation Animal Baby Names For animals, the babies usually have a specific name. Therefore, a baby cow isn’t called a cow and the same goes for other animals such as horses and chickens. Next
Title Start Animal Baby Names Back to Home Page
Directions Animal Baby Names Read all slides carefully and make sure you understand the information. At the end of the section complete the short quiz to test your understanding. Continue
Cow Next
A baby cow is called a calf *sound clip--”calf”* Next
Horse Next
A baby horse is called a foal *sound clip—”foal”* Next
Chicken Next
A baby chicken is called a chick *sound clip—”chick”* Next
Application animal Baby Names Next
Animal Baby Names-Quiz Directions: Read each question carefully and select the best answer. Begin
1. What is a baby horse called? A) foal B) chick C) calf A) B) C)
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2. What is a baby cow called? A) chick B) calf C) foal A) B) C)
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Correct Great Job! Next
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3. What is a baby chicken called? A) foal B) chick C) calf A) B) C)
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Correct Great Job! Next
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Congratulations! You have completed the quiz for animal baby names. Start Animal Baby Names Section Over Back to Home Page
Farm Animal Sounds, Baby Names, and Purpose on the Farm Next
Which category would you like to review? Animal Sounds Animal Baby Names Animal Purpose on the Farm
Animal Purpose on the Farm Next
Orientation Animal Purpose on the Farm There are many animals on a farm and each serves its own purpose to the farmer. Next
Title Start Animal Purpose on the Farm Back to Home Page
Directions Animal Purpose on the Farm Read all slides carefully and make sure you understand the information. At the end of the section complete the short quiz to test your understanding. continue
Farmers need cows so they can get milk from them. Next
Farmers need chickens so they can get eggs from them. Next
Farmers get the pigs fat so they can have them processed to make pork for us to eat Next
Application Animal Purpose on the Farm *sound clip-”cows produce milk”* *sound clip-”chickens lay eggs”* *sound clip-”pigs are fattened to make pork”* Next
Animal Purpose on the Farm-Quiz Directions: Read each question carefully and select the best answer. Begin
1. Why are cows important on the farm? A) they lay eggs B) they produce milk C) they are fattened to make pork A) B) C)
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Correct Great Job! Next
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2. Why are chickens important on the farm? A) they lays eggs B) they produce milk C) they are fattened to make pork A) B) C)
Correct Great Job! Next
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Sorry, Incorrect. Go back and try again. Back
3. Why are pigs important on the farm? A) they lay eggs B) they produce milk C) they are fattened to make pork A) B) C)
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Sorry, Incorrect. Go back and try again. Back
Correct Great Job! Next
Congratulations! You have completed the quiz for Animal Purpose on the Farm. Start Animal Purpose on the Farm Section Over Back to Home Page