1 New Team Leadership Some Questions Is it leadership of teams and in teams? How far can we go with distributive or shared leadership? What are the effects of the team on the leader? In some teams, is the most appropriate leader action is to do nothing? Day, D et al (2006) Leadership in team-based organisations: On the threshold of a new era, Leadership Quarterly, 17, p
2 New Team Leadership For team effectiveness, it must be:- A real team Compelling direction Enabling structure Supportive context Expert coaching A real team is one in which there is a team task, clear boundaries, specified authority to manage work processes and some degree of membership stability. (Hackman, 2002)
3 A compelling direction is seen as challenging, clear and consequential An enabling structure is linked to design, norms of behaviour and composition A supportive context, with expert coaching requires resources, systems and wisdom to support the team (Hackman, 2002) New Team Leadership