1/26 (C) 2004 Century Management Mark McCarthy Sales Director Mark McCarthy Sales Director SALES INSTITUTE OF IRELAND AND CENTURY MANAGEMENT
2/26 (C) 2004 Century Management OVERVIEW: COMPETENCY BENCHMARKING RESEARCH FINDINGS 147 RESPONDENTS THREE POSITIONS ― Sales Professional ― Sales Manager ― Sales Director LOGISTICS ― Validation across 400 jobs ― Timescale:Feb to Sept 2004 ― All Ireland Sales Institute Members
4/26 (C) 2004 Century Management Job Experts The Bias Problem Calibration: Relative Importance “Let the Job Speak” BENCHMARKING THE JOB DEFINING Sales and Management positions require 80% people management competencies for superior performance.
5/26 (C) 2004 Century Management COMPETENCY BASED POSITION ANALYSIS “If the JOB could speak, what would it say are the competencies necessary to achieve superior performance?” DEFINING This was Step One
6/26 (C) 2004 Century ManagementMEASURING Invite members of the Sales Institute of Ireland to score their own performance levels, independent of the Job Benchmark MEASURING Step Two
7/26 (C) 2004 Century Management THE MISMATCH The mismatch of job/person competencies leads to 75% of all on-the-job performance problems Objective: Identifying the gaps between personal/professional competencies and the requirements of the job MEASURINGDEFINING
8/26 (C) 2004 Century Management THE COMPETENCY FACTORS Thirty seven (37) factors required for superior performance have been ranked in terms of their importance to the position of: 1.Sales Professional 2.Sales Manager 3.Sales Director These 37 factors represent 80% or more of all sales and management competencies Focus on the top 12
9/26 (C) 2004 Century Management TOP 12 COMPETENCIES Attributes 1.Self Management 2.Results Orientation 3.Customer Focus 4.Goal Achievement 5.Flexibility 6.Interpersonal Skills 7.Planning and Organisation Behaviours 1.Frequent Interaction with Others 2.Versatility 3.Frequent Change Rewards 1.Utilitarian/Economic 2.Theoretical SALES PROFESSIONAL Attributes 1.Customer Focus 2.Results Orientation 3.Self Management 4.Personal Accountability 5.Leading Others 6.Interpersonal Skills 7.Goal Achievement Behaviours 1.Urgency 2.Frequent Interaction with Others 3.Frequent Change Rewards 1. Utilitarian/Economic 2. Individualistic/Political SALES DIRECTOR Attributes 1. Interpersonal Skills 2. Self Management 3. Results Orientation 4. Customer Focus 5. Personal Accountability 6. Influencing Others 7. Flexibility Behaviours 1. Frequent Interaction with Others 2. Versatility 3. Frequent Change Rewards 1. Utilitarian/Economic 2. Individualistic/Political SALES MANAGER
10/26 (C) 2004 Century Management SALES PROFESSIONAL
11/26 (C) 2004 Century Management HIERARCHY OF COMPETENCIES UNDER THREE CATEGORIES – Sales Professional
12/26 (C) 2004 Century Management SALES PROFESSIONAL JOB BENCHMARK AND COMPARISON MEASUREMENT Self Management Results Orientation Customer Focus Goal Achievement Flexibility Interpersonal Skills Planning and Organisation Resiliency Diplomacy and Tact Personal Accountability Influencing Others Continuous Learning Self Starting Teamwork Objective Listening Problem Solving Leading Others Decision Making Conflict Management Empathetic Outlook Conceptual Thinking Developing Others Accountability for Others Frequent Interaction with others Versatility Frequent Change Urgency Customer Oriented Competitiveness Analysis of Data Organised Workplace Utilitarian/Economic Theoretical Individualistic/Political Aesthetic Traditional/Regulatory Social ATTRIBUTES BEHAVIOURS REWARDS CULTURE Job BenchmarkAverage SII Score
14/26 (C) 2004 Century Management SALES MANAGER
15/26 (C) 2004 Century Management HIERARCHY OF COMPETENCIES UNDER THREE CATEGORIES – Sales Manager
16/26 (C) 2004 Century Management SALES MANAGER JOB BENCHMARK SALES DIRECTOR JOB BENCHMARK Interpersonal Skills Self Management Results Orientation Customer Focus Personal Accountability Influencing Others Flexibility Resiliency Diplomacy and Tact Leading Others Teamwork Continuous Learning Goal Achievement Problem Solving Self Starting Planning and Organisation Decision Making Developing Others Objective Listening Conflict Management Accountability for Others Empathetic Outlook Conceptual Thinking Frequent Interaction with others Versatility Frequent Change Urgency Customer Oriented Competitiveness Analysis of Data Organised Workplace Utilitarian/Economic Individualistic/Political Theoretical Traditional/Regulatory Aesthetic Social ATTRIBUTES BEHAVIOURS SALES MANAGER JOB BENCHAMRK AND COMPARISON MEASUREMENT ATTRIBUTES Job Benchmark REWARDS CULTURE Average SII Score
18/26 (C) 2004 Century Management SALES DIRECTOR
19/26 (C) 2004 Century Management HIERARCHY OF COMPETENCIES UNDER THREE CATEGORIES – Sales Director
20/26 (C) 2004 Century Management SALES MANAGER JOB BENCHAMRK AND MEASUREMENT SALES DIRECTOR JOB BENCHAMRK AND COMPARISON MEASUREMENT Interpersonal Customer Focus Results Orientation Self Management Personal Accountability Leading Others Interpersonal Skills Goal Achievement Teamwork Self Starting Decision Making Accountability for Others Diplomacy and Tact Influencing Others Flexibility Problem Solving Developing Others Objective Listening Resiliency Planning and Organisation Conceptual Thinking Conflict Management Empathetic Outlook Continuous Learning Urgency Frequent Interaction with others Frequent Change Versatility Competitiveness Customer Oriented Analysis of Data Organised Workplace Utilitarian/Economic Individualistic/Political Theoretical Traditional/Regulatory Aesthetic Social ATTRIBUTES BEHAVIOURS REWARDS CULTURE Job BenchmarkAverage SII Score
22/26 (C) 2004 Century Management EMERGING INSIGHTS/LESSONS 1.JOB MATCHING: On average, the Sales Professionals and Sales Managers scored about 25% below the key attributes and the rewards culture (motivators) benchmarked for their job. LESSON: Matching the key demands of the job is critical for superior performance in that job. 2.WRONG TALENT: lronically, Sales Professionals score higher on the attributes least required by the job. LESSON: Having a strong attribute that is not a priority for that job can be detrimental to that job. [In fact, many sales professionals may fit the job of sales manager better] GENERALIST vs SPECIALIST: The Sales Directors’ 23 attribute scores are more evenly spread but still measure 10-15% lower than the KEY job requirements. LESSON: Having solid generalist management talents is excellent but may cause ‘pain’ relative to more specialist needs of the sales director role.
23/26 (C) 2004 Century Management EMERGING LESSONS/INSIGHTS 4.BEHAVIOUR FITS: All three comparisons scored well on observable behaviour (i.e. temperament: How they approach the job). LESSON: ‘Looking the part’ does not mean the job gets done in an excellent fashion. There is more to the job than temperament style. 5.PERSONAL MASTERY: Personal competencies [e.g. managing yourself] is emerging as vital for superior performance, even for management jobs. LESSON: Self management is proving to be the big gap for all three positions. 6.MIRROR IMAGE: Sales Managers/Directors appear to hire sales professionals who display talents like themselves. LESSON: Hire based on competency requirements for THE JOB, not on personal likeability.
24/26 (C) 2004 Century Management 1st THE WINNING EDGE €25K€50K
25/26 (C) 2004 Century Management THIS PRESENTATION IS AVAILABLE FROM: Mark McCarthy, Sales Director Century Management THANK YOU