MAY THE 4 TH …..BE WITH YOU Hampton Cove Herald Volume 15
PRINCESS LEIA Princess Leia Organa was one of the Rebel Alliance’s greatest leaders, fearless on the battlefield and dedicated to ending the tyranny of the Empire. In Star Wars twin sister of Luke Skywalker as well as the daughter of Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) and Padma Amidala. Princess Leia along with Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 go to Tatooine to try to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. Princess Leia is the princess of Alderaan. By: Anna Marie Marks 1st Period
MILLENNIUM FALCON BY: BEN DAVIS The millennium falcon is used by Han Solo in the original star wars trilogy, it also made a cameo appearance in star wars revenge of the sith. The original design of the ship was changed to look different than the space: 1999, the original design was then rescaled and modified to become princess Leia’s ship, the Tantive IV. The movies said that the ship was won by Han Solo from Lando Calrissian in a game of “sabacc”. The creator of it said that it’s design was based off of a hamburger with the cockpit being an olive on the side.
EWOKS George Lucas created the Ewoks because he wanted Return of the Jedi to feature a tribe of some primitive creatures that bring down the technological Empire. He had originally intended the scenes to be set on the Wookiee home planet, but as the film series evolved, the Wookiees became technologically skilled. Lucas designed a new species instead, and as Wookiees were tall, he made Ewoks short. In addition, he also based the Ewoks' defeat of the Galactic Empire on the actions of the Viet Cong guerrillas who menaced American soldiers during the Vietnam War. The Ewok are named after the Miwok, a Native American tribe, indigenous to the Redwood forest in which the Endor scenes were filmed for Return of the Jedi, near the San Rafael location of Lucas' Skywalker Ranch. In the film, the name "Ewok" is never actually spoken, but it appears in both the script and the closing credits. By: Bryce Schaefer
HAN SOLO Han Solo is one of the characters in Star Wars movies Han Solo is played by Harrison Ford. He is the captain of the Millennium Falcon along with his co- pilot Chewbacca. By: Luke Melkerson
STAR WARS EPISODE VII: THE FORCE AWAKENS John Boyega as Finn John Boyega Daisy Ridley as Rey Daisy Ridley Adam Driver Adam Driver Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron Oscar Isaac Andy Serkis Andy Serkis Domhnall Gleeson Domhnall Gleeson Max von Sydow Max von Sydow Harrison Ford as Han Solo Harrison FordHan Solo Carrie Fisher as Leia Organa Carrie FisherLeia Organa Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker Mark HamillLuke Skywalker Anthony Daniels as C-3PO Anthony DanielsC-3PO Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca Peter MayhewChewbacca Kenny Baker as R2-D2 Kenny BakerR2-D2 Lupita Nyong'o, Gwendoline Christie, Crystal Clarke, Pip Andersen, Christina Chong, Miltos Yerolemou, Greg Grunberg, Warwick Davis, Billie Lourd, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian, Cecep Arif Rahman, Amybeth Hargreaves, Leanne Best and Jessica Henwick are cast in unspecified roles. Lupita Nyong'oGwendoline ChristieChristina ChongGreg Grunberg Warwick DavisBillie LourdMaisie Richardson-SellersIko UwaisYayan RuhianJessica Henwick Directed by: J.J. Abrams Produced by: Kathleen Kennedy J.J. Abrams Bryan Burk Screenplay by: Lawrence Kasdan J.J. Abrams Music by: John Williams Cinematography: Dan Mindel Edited by: Maryann Brandon Mary Jo Markey Production company: Walt Disney Pictures Lucasfilm Bad Robot Productions Distributed by: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Release Date: December 18, By: Becca Riser
The Force Awakens is set approximately 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, and features new leads Finn, Rey, and Poe Dameron alongside characters returning from previous Star Wars filmsReturn of the Jedi Con’t.
By: Aidan O’Halloran Tusken Raiders or Sand People The Tusken Raiders killed Anakin Skywalker’s mother. They are nomadic people that live on the planet Tantooine.
The Force by Ryan Kozar The Force is a binding, metaphysical, and ubiquitous power in the fictional universe of the Star Wars galaxy created by George Lucas. The supernatural flow of energy originated from the concept of prana, or qi/chi/ki, "the all- pervading vital energy of the universe".prana
Darth Vader (Anakin sky walker) is a fictional character in the star wars universe. the character was created by George Lucas and has been portrayed by numerous actors. his appearances span all six star wars films, and he is an important character in the expanded universe of television series, video games, novels, literature and comic books. originally a Jedi prophesied to bring balance to the force, he falls to the dark side of the force and serves the evil galactic empire at the right hand of his Sith master. He is also the father of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. By: Pierce Loftin Darth Vader
STAR WARS BATTLES! The Battle of Geonosis The First Battle of Geonosis, known most commonly as simply the Battle of Geonosis, was the first battle between the Confederacy of Independent systems and the Galactic Republic in the conflict that would become known as the Clone Wars. It would be the first major combat of the Grand Army of the Republic, as well as the first major battle the Jedi would fight in years. Taylor Snell
Star wars Vol. 4-6 (continued) Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) battles horrible Jabba the Hut and cruel Darth Vader to save his comrades in the Rebel Alliance and triumph over the Galactic Empire. Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) reaffirm their love and team with Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams), the Ewoks and the androids C-3PO and R2-D2 to aid in the disruption of the Dark Side and the defeat of the evil emperor. Return of the Jedi Hope you enjoyed this article! May the 4 th be with you!
CHEWBACCA Chewbacca belongs to the Wookiee species, who are tall, hirsute bipeds native to the planet of Kashyyyk. Chewbacca is fiercely loyal to Han Solo, and serves as co- pilot on Solo's Millenium Falcon. Chewbacca's was created as a gentle hairy non- English speaking co-pilot. By: Thomas Boykin
R2D2 By: Payton Denson R2-D2 or Artoo-Detoo spelled out is an astromech droid, a type of robot that usually served as a mechanic and backup computer for small spaceships. Astromechs cannot speak they communicate with electronic beeps through an interpreter droid or computer. The fact that R2-D2 cannot directly express himself may have helped him fly under the radar and avoid frequent memory wipes, which in turn allowed him to develop a distinct, eccentric personality.
EMPIRE It is a galaxy-spanning regime established by the series' lead villain, Palpatine, to replace the Galactic Republic in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The Galactic Empire is introduced in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope By: Emma Bultman
LUKE SKYWALKER Aubrey Stolaas The hero of the Rebellion in the Star Wars Original Trilogy, Luke Skywalker marked the beginning of a new order of Jedi, one very different from the Jedi Order in the Prequels. The son of Anakin Skywalker (who became Darth Vader), Luke had all of his father's Force potential, but managed (for the most part) to avoid the pull of the dark side. His strength helped Darth Vader return to the light side of the Force and defeat the Emperor.
C-3PO Anakin Skywalker built C-3PO out of spare parts on Tatooine around 32 BBY. Some of his original parts date back to nearly a century earlier, when they were forged by Cybot. C- 3PO (/si ːˈ θ ri ː pi.o ʊ /, phonetically spelled See- Threepio; 3PO or Threepio for short) is a humanoid robot character from the Star Wars universe who appears in the original Star Wars films, the prequel trilogy and the upcoming sequel trilogy. C-3PO is a protocol droid designed to serve human beings, and boasts that he is fluent in "over six million forms of communication". He is generally seen with his long-time counterpart, R2-D2. Threepio's main function is to assist etiquette, customs, and translation, so that meetings of different cultures run smoothly. By: Marybeth Monk