Articulating a Program of Study to the Oregon Registry Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and Education Portland State University
Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and Education (OCCD) The OCCD provides leadership in the development and operation of integrated and statewide professional development standards and systems. OCCD promotes professional development to achieve high quality care and education for children and youth, and creates and supports training and education.
What is the Oregon Registry? Oregon Registry: Pathways for Professional Recognition in Childhood Care and Education is a statewide program that records and recognizes the professional development growth and achievement of people who work with and for children and family.
Why is the Oregon Registry Important? Provides a structured way for people to enter into and to advance within the field. Promotes a quality of care through learning a core body of knowledge. Contributes to a professional, well-trained, and educated workforce. May provide financial incentive if working directly with children.
Oregon Registry Steps Step 1 through Step 12 A sequence of Steps. Each Step on the path represents increased training and education in the Core Body of Knowledge. Provides a path to identify what we need to know.
Oregon Registry is Knowledge Based Core Body of Knowledge Foundation for the Oregon Registry Steps What we all need to know Depth and breadth of the knowledge required
Core Knowledge Categories Diversity Families & Community Systems Health, Safety & Nutrition Human Growth & Development Learning Environments & Curriculum Observation & Assessment Personal, Professional & Leadership Development Program Management Special Needs Understanding & Guiding Behavior
Choose One of Three Pathways Degree/Credential/ Certificate Pathway. Community Based Training Pathway. College Course Credit Pathway.
Oregon Registry Steps
Articulating a Program of Study to the Oregon Registry A portfolio process including program materials showing a link between a specific and measureable program of study to a Step on the Oregon Registry. High School programs may articulate up to a Step 5 on the Oregon Registry.
Steps 1-5 on the Oregon Registry
What is examined: Duration of the Program (length of program in months) Total Hours of Instructional Time Program of Study Content mapped to Core Body of Knowledge Level of Content (from Core Body of Knowledge – beginning, intermediate, advanced) Links to College Course Credits (if any) Practical Application (practicum) Qualification s of Instructors Mode of Training (classroom, distance, hybrid) Accrediting/ Licensing Body Type of certificate or diploma
Articulating a Program of Study Phase One – Preparation Request Letter - for a Program of Study to be articulated to an Oregon Registry Step. Submit on letterhead from the regionally accredited agency. Set an appointment with OCCD - Review the process of submission of materials for articulating a program of study to the Oregon Registry. Request for Step of articulation.
Articulating a Program of Study Phase Two – aligning your Program to the Core Body of Knowledge and preparing Supporting Materials. Become familiar with the Core Body of Knowledge and the Oregon Registry Step Document. Review your Program of Study and map the content to the Core Body of Knowledge. Complete the mapping matrix. Gather all required supporting materials for submission.
Articulating a Program of Study Documents you will need for submission. Evidence of connection to an regional or state accrediting body. Total hours for the program of study. Course syllabus (see next page). Articulation of program of study to the Core Body of Knowledge Matrix. Student handbook. Any support materials
Articulating a Program of Study Syllabus of the program of study and articulation analysis. This document is foundational for looking at the details of a Program of Study and making determinations of how many hours are in each Core Knowledge Category. It should be a detailed document of each section/course (a template is available for this work). Syllabus Components: Titles of each section/course or focus area of study, Course description. Learning outcomes (course objectives) for each section/course. Course outline. Number of hours for each of the course outline topic areas. Total number of hours in each course component.
Articulating a Program of Study Phase Three – Submission and Evaluation Materials are verified as complete by the Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and Education and organized for an Articulation Review Team. The Articulation Review Team consists of individuals with expertise in the field of childhood care and education and the state’s foundational documents. Reviews are conducted on an as needed basis when agencies submit programs of study for articulation to the Oregon Registry. Programs are notified of the Articulation Review Team’s decision. Review teams identify one of three actions. Recommendations for articulation into the Oregon Registry. Tabled review requiring additional information for program of study articulation. Program of Study does not meet articulation requirements for the Step requested.