Hinduism-Caste System
Brainstart Turn to the next blank LEFT page in your notebook. Draw a triangle that covers the top half of the page. Label underneath it "US - Social Structure" Take a moment and using your background knowledge of social classes in our society, create a social pyramid for the United States. Label each level/class and provide examples of types of people who would fall into each class.
Social Structure – United States
Title the RIGHT side page in your notebook: Hinduism-Caste System Using the whole page, draw another triangle and label it like like this: Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaishyas Shudras Untouchables
Hinduism-Caste System With a partner, read through the article on the Hindu caste system. As you read, determine the important facts about each of the 5 Hindu castes and write these on the correct level of the social pyramid in your notebook. For each caste, make sure to indicate: o types of people & jobs that made up the caste o responsibilities of the caste o any restrictions placed on the caste
Group Task Directions You will be placed into groups of 5-6 members. As a group you will be assigned the task of drawing a house: o the house must have 3 dimensions o must include a driveway and mailbox o must have at least one window and one door o must include at least 6 different colors Each member will also be assigned a caste. Each caste has certain privileges (rights) and/or certain restrictions - you must follow these during the duration of the task. You will have 10 minutes to complete this task.
As a group, discuss and answer the questions on the handout provided.