What are the causes and effects of animals becoming endangered? BY: The Animal Saviors (Gianna, Alexis, Colin, Joshua)
Conjecture We think most animals are becoming endangered because people are overhunting them for their skin, fur, and meat also there are lots of predators that could kill and eat them
The 3 main reasons of animals becoming endangered Over hunting: killing to much of that species Deforestation: cutting down trees witch causes loss of animal habitat Pollution (littering): throwing trash into places like, oceans, woods, etc.
SEA TURTLE Pollution can weaken a sea turtles immune system Their habitat is destroyed by costal development (sea floor and beach) Eggs are poached by people for food or oil They get stuck in fishing nets commonly Their over hunted by mostly fishermen
Red wolf 75-100 left in the wild in the year 2000 Farmers and ranchers almost eliminated the red wolf The cause of their endangered stage is overhunting In the 1980s fewer than 20 red wolves were put to breed in captivity Now there are more than 100 red wolves in the wild!
FLORIDA PANTHER Florida panthers had to move from state to state because there habitats were being destroyed by loggers There are only 100-160 Florida panthers left in the wild They live in the swamps and forests of Florida Males live alone (except when mating)
panda There’s only about 1,000 – 2,000 Pandas living in the wild People are destroying their habitat Pandas are being hunted for their silky fur and more A deadly virus is threating Pandas with extinction Their losing access to their food, bamboo
We learned… Most endangered animals are protected by laws. We also found out the animals we thought that were not endangered are endangered. Our animals even had surprising tactics to help them survive. That is what all of us have learned from our research.
CONCLUSION To conclude, endangered animals are being overhunted or other causes. New laws are being set to help the endangered animals to survive and repopulate and just be free!
Bibliography All images were taken from Google Images http://discoverer.prod.sirs.com/discoweb/disco/do/frontpage -SIRS Discoverer http://classic.worldbookonline.com/student/home- World Book Student http://www.kidtopia.info/- Kidtopia http://animalstime.com/ - Animal Time for Kids http://www.natureworldnews.com/ -Nature World News http://www.infotopia.info/ -Infotopia http://www.defenders.org/ -Defenders of Wild Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8dYpnRissQ –Video http://www.ask.com/ -Ask.com