The Second Amendment is not Absolute By: Hannah Cremo
Second Amendment Video Firearms Should Be Regulated, Registered, and Licensed
Americans still murder each other with guns 19 times more often than do the people of the 25 other wealthiest nations.
Will restrictions on the possession and use of firearms totally solve the problem of gun violence? No! The only way we are going to control guns is to control the people that use them.
Gun Facts A hand gun is produced every 20 seconds. In 1997, there were 15,289 murders in the united states. 10,369 were committed with firearms. The National Rifle Association is the largest gun rights lobbying organization in the United States.
After Columbine High school shootings and The Virginia Tech shootings I think that we should have higher gun control. The percent of violent crimes involving firearms from 1993 to 2008 has increased.
New York State Gun Laws No permit to purchase a rifle or shotgun, for a hand gun you need a permit. Registration is not needed for the purchase of a rifle, but you need registration for hands guns. You don’t need for a license for rifle but you need a license for a handgun. No permit to carry a rifle but you need one for a handgun except in New York City. I think that there should be permits and registration for all guns in New York State.
Works Cited ontent/politics/current_events/gun_control/f ollowing_virginia_tech_shooting_45_say_u _s_needs_stricter_gun_control_laws ontent/politics/current_events/gun_control/f ollowing_virginia_tech_shooting_45_say_u _s_needs_stricter_gun_control_laws