Creative Writing
Syllabus Note: Journaling daily is a huge part of this class. You must get a journal (it can look however you like) that you can bring with you to class every day. Expectations
My Vision A classroom democracy—a way of life that breaks down external barriers bringing people together to connect to one another. *Intimate conversation, deliberating the stories of the day. *Successful writing groups, peer editing, and conversations about writing. *Grant students increased control over their own literate activities.
Rhetorical Triangle purpose Audience speaker subject context genre
Format of the class: We will cover 3 broad genres of writing. (remember these often overlap) Creative Non-Fiction Fiction Poetry
Writing Workshop As we work through our writing, we will participate in several writing workshop days. These are days for you to work with your assigned writing group on the piece you are developing. These are also days for you to conference with the teacher.
Writing Collections Writing Portfolio This is your personal collection of writing. You will compile 4 pieces that show off who you are as a writer. This writing will be accompanied by reflections. This will be your final exam assignment. Class Anthology This will be our classroom collection of writing. Each class member will be expected to choose at least one piece to include in the anthology. This is your chance to publish writing for all to see. We will design and select a cover and bind the writing together in book form. Each class member will receive an anthology to keep.
Writing Blasts These are daily 10 minute writing prompts to put in your journals. Push yourself to write for the whole 10 minutes even if you don’t feel like you have much to say. There are no other requirements. You can’t do this wrong. __________________________________ Writing Blast #1 I have something to tell you, teacher...
Due Tomorrow Create a personal bumper sticker that represents you or shouts something you believe in.
Mrs. Rintala’s Bumpersticker All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become. - Buddha