1. What does each strip on a resistor tell you? Label each ring on the diagram below: Name: Date: 2. Explain in your own words what a resistor does _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________ 4.Suggest two uses for a variable resistor. i)________________________________ Ii)________________________________ 3. Why do some circuits need resistors? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ________ 6.Draw the circuit diagram symbols for a variable resistor and a fixed resistor. Fixed Resistor Variable Resistor 7.What does a capacitor do?______________________________________________________ 6.How is a fixed resistor different to a variable resistor?__________________________________________________ 8.How are non-polarised and electrolytic capacitors different? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 9.Make a list of what else you know about capacitors, you will need to add to this during the lesson if you learn anything new: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Metal plate Non conductive material legs
The battery gives some current to the capacitor which the capacitor then gives to the light bulb, once its full up.