SURVIVOR BENEFIT PLAN Kate Horrell financial educator
Income continuation plan for dependents of deceased active duty and retired servicemembers. Two parts: active duty and retiree Lots of details and some choices WHAT IS SBP?
Choice made at retirement Choice made by spouse Assume it is irrevocable* VERY IMPORTANT RETIREMENT
Cost, as much as 6.5% of retired income Irrevocable decision Income is taxable* CONS
Lifetime income* Cost of living adjustments Low cost coverage Cannot be cancelled or modified due to age or illness Not impacted by Social Security Premiums paid pre-tax* Premiums end when aged 70 and have paid for 30 years PROS
Cost is 6.5% of covered amount Covered amount may be full amount of retirement pay, or a portion thereof COST
Survivor benefits are paid as annuity 55% of covered amount Cost of living adjusted Taxable income May be offset by DIC or VA benefits BENEFIT
Spouse Spouse and children Children only Former spouse Natural interest person* ELIGIBLE BENEFICIARIES
SBP benefits are reduced, dollar for dollar, by the amount of DIC benefits CRAZY AND COMPLICATED STUFF
Overall financial situation Health and age of spouses Likelihood of receiving DIC HOW TO DECIDE?
Automatic No cost Full coverage (100% of pay equals 55% replacement income) Offset by DIC ACTIVE DUTY SBP COVERAGE