Artist’s Name (optional: add a quote from the artist and cite the source it came from) Your Name and class period
Background info about the artist, the style of the art work, and art movement he/she was involved with. You may also include historical information about what else was going on in the world, especially if it influenced the artist. Make sure to cite any quotes or paraphrased information.
Thesis statement
Note about the quality of images you use: Make sure to use images that have a high resolution (good quality, sharp, crisp images) This image is too low of a resolution and looks fuzzy. DO NOT use images that look fuzzy.
Picture 1 with caption info and citation of source. Keep the image large. Describe the image. Bullet key points you want to make. Note: Refer to your paper during the presentation to discuss the work in-depth. You’re to only bullet key points in order to project the sculpture large so students can see it clearly as you talk about it.
Picture 1 with caption info and citation of source Analyze the image. Bullet key points you want to make.
Picture 1 with caption info and citation of source Interpret the image. Bullet key points you want to make.
Picture 1 with caption info and citation of source Judge the image using the three aesthetic theories (imitationalism, emotionalism, and formalism). Bullet key points you want to make.
Picture 2 with caption info and citation of source
Picture 3 with caption info and citation of source
Picture 4 with caption info and citation of source
Picture 5 with caption info and citation of source
Optional: Include any other images or information or quotes that you find interesting or significant. Include a picture of the artist. Cite your sources using parenthetical documentation. It is ok to provide the website link for any webpages you used.
Conclusion Describe what you learned, thought and enjoyed about the artist’s work. How does this artist inspire you for the plaster carving you will make?
Works Cited List any sources you used in MLA format (same as in your paper). Make sure to use parenthetical documentation to cite any quotes or paraphrased information or images of the sculptures on each slide.
Copy and Paste your PowerPoint in the i:drive > Courses > Carrick> Carrick Hand-In > your class folder. Title your PowerPoint with your full name. It must be saved in this location before class on the day it is due.