Capitalized title of chosen art piece (in italics) and name of artist Your names Period
Picture and source
Why I Chose This Piece
Connections Quotes from Macbeth (include act, scene, and line #s) that connect your art piece to the play Explain connections
Describe features of the art and how it accurately/inaccurately represents the play Use arrows and the visual to reference specific features of the piece of art
Artist’s point of view Describe how they are choosing to depict the characters. –What do the characters look like? –How were they described in the play? –What is the setting? What emotions are conveyed through the art?
Research on the historical time period to find the context of artist’s time Dates alive? Important world events? Style of art that was popular during this time period. –Is this an accurate representation of that style? Important influences, etc.
Agree or Disagree with artist’s point of view Is it an accurate representation of the scene? Does the setting look realistic? What do think the artist is trying to say with this picture?
Comparison to another piece of art Include a piece either by the same artist OR by a different artist of the same scene in the play Show visual of other piece and describe the differences/similarities
In conclusion Your final opinion about the relevancy between the play and the piece of art
Citation page Name sources you used