East Middle School Dress Code
Students… take pride in yourself and arrive to school dressed appropriately and prepared to learn.
Appropriate dress is not… Offensive,Distracting, Hazardous, Hazardous,Disruptive, …to the learning environment
Clothes should not be revealing nor call particular attention to the body of the wearer because of design or cut. Look in a mirror before you leave your house!
Hats, sunglasses, visors, bandanas and coats may not be worn during the school day. They must be kept in lockers. Religious headgear is acceptable and allowed to be worn.
Accessories No spiked jewelry or accessories that could be harmful or dangerous to other students Students may not wear heavy dog chains, billfold chains, pants with chains, etc. Sweatbands are not to be worn on any body part. Headphones or ear buds may not to be worn during school No gloves during school
Backpacks/Purses Backpacks and/or gym bags may not be carried to class. No oversize purses are allowed.
Short Shorts! Shorts/Skirts/Skorts should be mid thigh, 3 inches above the knee! (closer to the knee than the hip) This is not appropriate… No bandanas, hats, hoods, do-rags, headbands, sunglasses or gang-related clothing or accessories Low cut tops and tops worn off the shoulder are not acceptable school attire Camisoles and halters should not be worn as outer garments Muscle shirts, tank tops and shirts that expose the midriff are not acceptable Spandex tights, leggings or jeggings may not be worn as pants Holes in pants may not reveal skin above the knee. Clothing which advertises or promotes the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, sexual innuendos, or violence may not be worn! Boxer shorts or other undergarments should not be visible under pants. Pants will not be worn below the hip Heavy dog chains, billfold chains, pant chains may not be worn Pajamas may not be worn during school! Street shoes must be worn at all times. No slippers!
Any student violating the dress code will be asked to change their clothes immediately.
There are 3 choices… - change to gym shorts; - call parents to bring other clothes; - wear borrowed clothes from the office. from the office. Violations may also result in ISS.
We rely on the good judgment and discretion of our students and parents in regards to what is worn to school. However, the final decision as to the appropriateness of any attire will be determined by the administration of East Middle.