Elements of Humor Comic Wordplay Level 3 Unit 5
Purpose To recognize wordplay as humorous writing To identify humorous wordplay
BAV Wordplay Witty or clever verbal exchanges or plays on words. Picture Examples: One liners Puns Which words on the humorous vocabulary list that could describe humorous wordplay?
Revisiting Seinfeld How did Seinfeld create humor through wordplay? What do you recall?
Is Traffic Jam Delectable? Reading the poem aloud… As I read the poem, mark the text to identify the lines you believe are most humorous. Working with a partner, take turn reading the lines and explaining the humor. How does the rhythm of the poem adds to the humorous effect?
5.13 Purpose To explore clever wordplay encountered in daily life To recognize clever wordplay in a variety of texts To analyze how wordplay is used to create humor
BAV One-liners A short joke or witticism, usually expressed in a single sentence. Examples
One-liners Working together, create a list of one-liners. Small groups, select a one-liner from the list analyze the humor. –What is the tone? –What is the implicit message? –Why is it funny?
Puns What makes puns different from other types of wordplay?
BAV Puns The humorous use of a word or words to suggest another word with the same sound or a different meaning Examples Puns often use allusions, so people do not “get” puns if they don’t have the necessary background knowledge.
Who’s on First? In the Prentice Hall 7 th grade book. Read the skit aloud. Using role playing will help students see how the lines of dialogue play off each other for humorous effect.
Questions What are the names of the first, second, and third basemen? Why is Costello having difficulty understanding Abbott? Why is Abbott having difficulty understanding Costello? How does their wordplay create humor?
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“A Tip to Morrow” Read the poem aloud. –Point out that pauses occur with punctuation marks and not at the end of the lines. –Mark the puns and explain the humorous effect. How does the rhythm contribute to its humorous effect?