Project Lead The Way Laboratory Gateway To Technology
The following Project Lead The Way laboratory design was developed by technology education majors at Purdue University as part of their IT: 471 course “Managing the Technology Education Laboratory” instructed by Dr. George E. Rogers
Facility Design Proposal The New Technology Education Laboratory Prepared by Mr. Steven Schellenberger and Mr. Jeff Totsch
Table of Contents PLTW Introduction Gateway To Technology (GTT) Mission Statement PLTW Proposal Objective Acoustics Color Illumination Ventilation Computer workstation design PLTW Safety equipment PLTW Laboratory equipment list GTT Unit Cost Totals PLTW Laboratory Layout Sources PLTW Suppliers Questions
Project Lead The Way The introduction of technology into the technology education classroom and laboratory requires a new facility design to fully incorporate the Gateway To Technology curriculum.
Project Lead The Way Opportunities for Students PLTW in the Technology Education classroom and laboratory allows all students the opportunity to be exposed to pre- engineering courses, as well as receive college credit. With PLTW courses, students will be more prepared for their future after high school.
Gateway To Technology (GTT) GTT is a state-of-the-art program in the Middle School Industrial Technology Education Department that incorporates national standards in science, mathematics, and technology for today’s grade 6-8 classroom and laboratory. GTT is a state-of-the-art program in the Middle School Industrial Technology Education Department that incorporates national standards in science, mathematics, and technology for today’s grade 6-8 classroom and laboratory. GTT consists of four instructional units that motivate and excite students to be creative and innovative during instruction and laboratory activities. GTT consists of four instructional units that motivate and excite students to be creative and innovative during instruction and laboratory activities. Each 10-week instructional unit enables students to accomplish goals of the project, while offering students learning challenges at all ability levels. Each 10-week instructional unit enables students to accomplish goals of the project, while offering students learning challenges at all ability levels.
The Gateway To Technology program consists of four independent instructional units: Design and Modeling : An introduction into the design process where students use measurement and descriptive geometry, learn sketching techniques, as well as create models and document ways to solve problems (Rube Goldberg). The Magic of Electrons : Students learn through hands-on activities and projects about the science of electricity, circuit design, sensing devices, and the movement of atoms (PC Board Power Etching ). The Science of Technology : This unit seeks to investigate how science has affected technology throughout history (Dragster). Automation and Robotics : Students learn about the history and development of automation and robotics. This unit covers computer control systems, machine automation, energy transfer, and structures (Fischertechniks).
Our mission is to train and prepare students for their future by enhancing their personal growth and helping them become active partners in the transformation of the nation’s schools for an advancing technological society. National Standards met: Standard 8 H,IStandard 9 I,K Standard 17 I,M,O,P,QStandard 18 J,L,M Standard 19 M,N,O,PStandard 20 J,K,L,M,N
Proposal Objective Our new design consists of four major objectives: Allow for safer working conditions for all students and faculty Create a dust-free room for projects and activities involving computers Provide space for a first aid station and additional space for demonstrations and instructional materials, a dust collection system, and fire-safe rooms Construct an educational environment that fosters the learning of skills and concepts that students will use in future life experiences
Acoustics Acoustics control noise for students and faculty Dust collector and air compressor in own room Ceiling should have a minimum sound absorption of 75% Carpet eliminates floor-generated noises and reduces heating and floor maintenance
Color The color of the classroom and laboratory serves many purposes: The room color must first give the student, the faculty, and the public a sense of safety. The room color must be simple and safety friendly. We suggest light blue because lighter colors make the room appear larger, and it is relaxing, soothing, and calm. Painted safety lines on laboratory floor Personal safety equipment is color-coded for easy visibility for students and faculty.
Illumination Lighting is very important for learning Natural lighting from five windows (two in classroom and three in laboratory) located six feet up from the floor. Artificial lighting rating between foot-candles for the classroom and foot-candles for the laboratory. Lighting is located directly above workstations and students’ desks to give the best possible lighting.
Ventilation Clean air is important to good health Delta Ambient Air Cleaner Item #: $ EA Torit Cyclone Dust Collector,3 PH 208/230/640V w/ motor & magnet control Item #: $ EA
Computer Workstation Design Many activities now require the use of a computer. A well- designed workstation will: increase comfort reduce fatigue increase productivity
Safety Equipment Eye protection equipment Use ANSI-Z87 with side shields or goggles when around small, flying objects. Use splash-proof goggles when working with hazardous or mixing chemicals. Use Z eyewear when working with laser beams. Eye wash station, First aid kit, and wash sink in laboratory
Front of classroomBack of laboratory
In conclusion, we believe that our facility design will allow for safer working conditions for all students and faculty. Our goal is to construct an educational environment that fosters the learning of skills and concepts that students will use in future life experiences
Sources ITEA. (2000). Standards for Technological Literacy: Content for the Study of Technology. Storm, G. (1993). Managing the occupational education laboratory. (2 nd Ed.). Prakken Publications, Inc. Retrieved November 10,
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