IT Concept Disaster relief Search through rubble Locate victims Transport victims to safety.
IT Concept continued Can be used for cleanup Dangerous materials Will continue to advance
Specific example Electric motors Arm capable of opening doors Infrared sensors Carbon-dioxide sensors
Specific example continued Snakebot Nylon bristles Corners/inclines Light and camera
Advantage 1 OX Radioactive Zone Robots Human Replace humans Dark Hot Dangerous 39,000 RMB/ day
Advantage 2 Working shifts X Standby always.. Available always No rest needed
Disadvantage 1 Robots way too expensive Around $100,000
Disadvantage 2 Robot designed to withstand High levels of radiation slow heavy few CPUs few sensors
Social/ethical issue 1 Robots are taking away people’s jobs…
Social/ethical issue 2 ??
Social/ethical issue 3 Camaraderie Impersonal
Social/ethical issue 4 Coverage Relief Importance
Social/ethical issue 5 Colleges Research Budget
Conclusion Helpful Advanced $ Not 100%