Golden Rules Around School we have Golden Rules Try your best Be a good sport Be honest Treat everyone equally Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Team Points Team points are given for good playtime or lunch time behavior and following class rules.
Marbles in the Jar Marbles can be earned by following the class rules and for good work or home work.
Silver Rules In class you have Silver Rules GREEN You start each day on GREEN.
Monday - green all day = 5 mins Tuesday - green all day = 5 mins Wednesday - green all day = 5 mins Thursday - green all day = 5 mins Friday - green all day = 5 mins = 25 mins extra play = 25 mins extra play on a Friday afternoon Stay GREEN all day
Sanctions There are 5Stages
Stage 1 (Green) verbal warning You are given a verbal warning
Stage 2 (Yellow) Yellow Card You are given time out in the classroom and name is written on the board. (Yellow Card)
Stage 3 (Red) another classroom You are sent to another classroom with your red card.
Stage 3 (RED) On Stage 3 (RED) you have to be on your BEST BEHAVIOUR for the rest of the day. Stage 4 Any further unacceptable behaviour goes straight to Stage 4 and NOT start on stage one again..
Stage 4 (On Report ) DEPUTY HEAD You are sent to DEPUTY HEAD who puts you: ON REPORT for the rest of the week. What does that mean?
ParentsParents are informed REPORT cardThe REPORT card stays in your wallet all week STAGE 5Any other rule breaks takes you straight to STAGE 5
Stage 5 (Red ++) Sent to the head teacher who will call the parents for a meeting to discuss the behaviour The child will already be on report and will receive an in-school exclusion of half a day. This will be logged by the head teacher All playtimes and lunchtimes will be missed that day – this will be supervised by the head or deputy The child will miss any classroom activities including school trips, swimming or PE
Stage 5 (Red ++) These behaviours may automatically move a child to stage 5 Swearing Violent and aggressive behaviour Bullying (refer to bullying policy) Damage to school equipment Stealing Racist language Homophobic language Refusal
Stage 5 (Red ++) ½ day in school exclusion Full day in school exclusion
Stage 5 (Red ++) Out of school exclusion 2 days ( up to permanent exclusion)
Silver Rules In class you have Silver Rules GREEN You start each day on GREEN.
Golden Rules Around School we have Golden Rules Try your best Be a good sport Be honest Treat everyone equally Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Playtime Red Cards Playing at line up time. Unacceptable behaviour in the dinner hall. Running inside the dinner hall or corridors or towards the playground. Being in places that are not allowed: - Children’s Centre - Fruit Garden - Behind Yellow Fences - Behind Outdoor Classroom - On the Ramps/banks/in bushes
Football Rules We will operate a Red/Yellow/Green card system in football. Anyone who gets a red card during football will see Deputy or Headteacher immediately. 3 red cards during football will mean missing the next game.