New ISO projects Joint meeting HL7, IHE and ISO Pharmacy groups Leonora Grandia, Z-Index
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 2 Medicinal Product Dictionary The origin: IDMP are separate standards, not integrated focus of IDMP is pharmacovigilance Next step is to develop the description of a system in which IDMP can be used, based on the use cases of health care.
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 3 Medicinal Product Dictionary Draft definition of MPD: A medicinal product dictionary consists of medication concepts, which are formally described in terms of its defining properties (e.g. ingredient, dose form) at various levels of details, and its relationships to other medication concepts in the dictionary.
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 4 Medicinal Product Dictionary Use cases: prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicinal products registration of electronic health records. decision support interoperability, pharmacovigilance, supply chain and reimbursement
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 5 Medicinal Product Dictionary Purposes: to improve safety and quality and to reduce the cost of developing and maintaining MPD’s; to provide information to medicinal product dictionary developers, to help them design medicinal product dictionaries to increase the potential for consistency between medicinal product dictionaries around the world (interoperability)
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 6 Medicinal Product Dictionary Scope: defines what is considered to be a MPD describes the reasons for developing and maintaining MPD’s describes the requirements for a MPD that should be fulfilled to make it suitable for each of the stated use cases and purposes
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 7 Medicinal Product Dictionary Main characteristics: structured coded connected appropriate level of detail current/complete reliable/authoritative
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 8 Dispensation record The origin: A dispensation record is the logical counterpart of an electronic prescription, which is under development
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 9 Dispensation record Draft definition: Event relating to the dispense of a Medicinal Product. The event includes any actual dispense, cancellation or other outcome that may have occurred at the time.
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 10 Dispensation record Use cases: registration of electronic health records interoperability decision support, claiming and reimbursement, research, regulation, product integrity
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 11 Dispensation record Purposes: to develop a common specification that can be used universally to capture structured data in relation to the dispense of a medicinal product within a pharmacy context
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 12 Dispensation record Scope: to define the information content for the capture of structured data of an event relating to the dispense of a Medicinal Product (including OTC) Out of scope: to specify the exchange of the information in a message
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 13 Dispensation record Characteristics: structured etc
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 14 Extemporaneous preparation The origin: IDMP is for licensed medicines, extemporaneous preparation is n’t yet covered
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 15 Extemporaneous preparation Unlicensed pharmaceutical preparations: extemporaneous preparations, i.e. pharmaceutical preparations individually prepared for a specific subject of care supplied after preparation; stock preparations, i.e. pharmaceutical preparations prepared in advance and stored until a request for a supply is received.
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 16 Extemporaneous preparation Use cases: prescribing, dispensing and administration of unlicensed pharmaceutical products recording in the electronic health record decision support, claiming and reimbursement, research, regulation, product integrity interoperability
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 17 Extemporaneous preparation Purposes: to develop a common specification that can be used universally to capture structured data in relation to pharmaceutical preparations
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 18 Extemporaneous preparation Scope: to define the information model for the capture of structured data in relation to unlicensed pharmaceutical preparations that are prepared without marketing authorisation
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 19 Extemporaneous preparation Main characteristics: active ingredient, excipients, dose form, strength etc. identified at the level of granularity that is needed for prescription dispensing and decision support. if relevant also technique or instruction etc
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 20 Dose syntax The origin: Started by NHS years ago, because of the lack of a projectlead NWIP is reballoted and the project is restarted
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 21 Dose syntax Definition: Written instructions accompanying the medication, which: –describe the amount of medication per dose –methodology of administration –the frequency or interval of dose –associated parameters necessary for appropriate adminstration of the medication
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 22 Dose syntax Use cases: prescribing/dispensing/administration dose checking and calculations readability by patients interoperability
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 23 Dose syntax Purposes: to define the business requirements for the exchange of structured dose instruction instances
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 24 Dose syntax Scope: description of the conceptual and data elements needed to exchange dose instruction information for prescribing and administration of medicinal products in patient care
Datum / Titel PowerPoint presentatie 25 Dose syntax Main characteristics: containing the full set of information that supports the correct administration of a medicinal product to a patient