SITA’S TRANSFORMATION PATH TO MAXIMIZE ICT VALUE TO GOVERNMENT Keynote address by Ms Nontobeko Ntsinde Acting Chief Executive Officer State Information Technology Agency GovTech 2010: 06 September
OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION 1.The SITA Turnaround: What it is and What it will Achieve 2.The Implications 3.Vision and Mission 4.New Performance Areas: Re-engineering the Business 5.Role as Value Contributor 6.Key Drivers for Change 7.SITA Services 8.Link to Government priorities 9. Our success stories from a Service Perspective 10. SITA Turnaround in a Nutshell 3
THE SITA TURNAROUND: WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT WILL ACHIEVE New Vision and Mission for the Organisation A New Look SITA: Organisational Re-engineering: Addressing matters that hampered SITA from fulfilling its mandate. A responsive SITA: Addressing concerns from customers, suppliers, public institutions and sectoral issues relating to quality of service, pricing, maladministration and governance. Repositioning SITA: Responsive to Government priorities and its national agenda. 4
THE SITA TURNAROUND: THE IMPLICATIONS A Radical shift in strategic focus and the way SITA conducts its business. Radical realignment and focus to achieve more with less. Improved SITA quality of service to create value for money. Improved support to public sector modernisation through the smart use of ICT’s. Renewed sense of purpose and direction, that will need adjustment from all. 5
GOVERNMENT OUTCOME 12: AN EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE AND DEVELOPMENT ORIENTED PUBLIC SERVICE Output 1: Access to and quality of service. Output 2: Enhanced business processes and systems. Output 3: Operational efficiency and effectiveness. Output 4: Supply Chain Management. Output 5: Zero tolerance to corruption. 6
GOVERNMENT: FIVE NATIONAL PRIORITIES SITA focus on National Priorities: Education Health Rural development and land reform; Creating decent work; and Fighting crime. Additional Areas: Improve effectiveness in local Government Infrastructure development Collective commitment to achieve developmental goals. 7
NEW SITA: VISION AND MISSION VISION “Be the lead ICT agency to enable public sector service delivery.” MISSION "To render an efficient and value added ICT service to the public sector in a secure, cost-effective and integrated manner, contributing to service delivery and citizen convenience." 8
NEW SITA: NEW PERFORMANCE AREAS: RE-ENGINEERING THE BUSINESS Qualitative Services: Capability to produce and/or render ICT services, products and solutions at a competitive price. Supply Chain Management: Capability and management of the procurement of ICT goods and services. SITA role of ICT Public Sector Regulator: Set standards for interoperability and security, certification, R & D and Inventory of Government Information Systems. Governance: Structures and processes to ensure compliance to strategic direction, policy and ethics of SITA. Stakeholder Relationship Management: Manage customer needs and expectations and promote service excellence. 9
NEW SITA: ROLE AS VALUE CONTRIBUTOR SITA should be a highly sophisticated and dynamic agency with the necessary leadership, skills, capacity, systems and processes. Deliver service excellence, value for money, innovation and thought leadership to advance ICT. 10
NEW SITA: KEY DRIVERS FOR CHANGE Driver 1: ICT Leadership Driver 2:Service Delivery Driver 3: Value Proposition Driver 4:Demand and Supply Driver 5:Pricing & Sustainability 11
BUILDING ON THE PAST: CREATING A NEW FUTURE: SUCCESS STORIES The Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) Government Wide Enterprise Architecture (GWEA) Municipal ICT Blueprint Learner Unit Record Information and Tracking System (LURITS) Telemedicine KZN nerve centre 13
THE NEW LOOK SITA: SITA TURNAROUND IN A NUTSHELL New Direction: SITA will do things differently. New SITA: Responsive to stakeholders. New SITA: Transformed and redesigned. Living the Values: 1) Integrity, 2) Fairness, 3) Prudence, 4) Transparency, 5)Service excellence and 6) Innovation New future: Add real value to government and its agenda. 14